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Agenda Item

2 21-0473 Subject: Economic Consulting Services Agreement From: Finance Department Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Waiving The Competitive Bidding Process And Authorizing The City Administrator To Amend The Professional Services Agreement With Blue Sky Consulting Group For Economic Consulting Services To Extend The Term Through December 31, 2023 And Increase The Amount By Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000) For A Total Contract Amount Not To Exceed Four Hundred Forty-Five Thousand Dollars ($445,000)

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    Denishia Clark about 3 years ago

    Dear honorable members of Oakland City Council:

    My name is Denishia Clark, and I am a public health advocate and a higher education professional working at Stanford University. I also serve on the board of directors for MISSSEY, Inc., a non-profit in Oakland that provides services to commercially sexually exploited youth and aims for systemic change with the youth served. As an Oakland native myself, I call on you to support resources being directed to violence prevention efforts in the city of Oakland. Gender-based violence response services and prevention efforts at this time are not adequately funded. And our community needs healing and a promising future. Therefore, I wholeheartedly encourage you to support Council President Bas' budget proposal of $17 million for the Department of Violence Prevention. The allocation of these resources would be a step in the right direction to support gender-expansive youth in Oakland. Please approve the proposed funding and work on culturally responsive, community-based, and human-centered approaches to prevention services. We can do this together! Thank you for your time and consideration and the support of the Department of Violence and Prevention by way of sustaining and expanding support services for our vulnerable youth.

    In solidarity, 
    Denishia L. Clark, MPH, EdD