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Agenda Item

3.6 21-0458 Subject: Multipurpose Senior Service Program FY 2021-2022 Standard Agreement From: Human Services Department Recommendation: A Resolution: 1. Authorizing The City Administrator To Apply For, Enter Into An Agreement With, And To Accept And Appropriate From The California Department Of Aging (CDA) Funds In The Amount Of $1,756,834 For The Multipurpose Senior Services Program (MSSP) For Fiscal Year (FY) 2021-2022; And 2. Waiving The City's Competitive Procurement Process For Purchasing Goods And Services For MSSP Participants; 3. Authorizing The City Administrator To Procure MSSP-Related Goods From, And To Award Professional Services Agreements To, Private Entities For FY 2021-2022, Without Returning To Council; And 4. Authorizing A Contribution From The General Purpose Fund In An Estimated Amount Of $460,330 For Central Services Overhead Charges; On The June 15, 2021 City Council Agenda On Consent