2.21 21-0349 Subject: HCD Strategic Action Plan 2021-2023
From: Housing And Community Development
Recommendation: Receive An Informational Report On The Strategic Action Plan For The Housing & Community Development Department
Hi My name is Kenneth Tang, an organizer with Asian Pacific Environmental Network, also part of the Oakland Preservation Collaborative, a network of affordable housing developers, community land trusts, housing cooperatives, tenant organizations, and housing advocates, I hope to see the council to move forward with the recommendation. The city needs a preservation plan and that projected housing dollars will be split across production and preservation. The Chinatown community that I'm representing would like to see a higher-level target for the city’s acquisition-rehabilitation preservation work as the acquisition-rehabilitation is critical in addressing the housing crisis that have been going on for far too long.
Hi My name is Kenneth Tang, an organizer with Asian Pacific Environmental Network, also part of the Oakland Preservation Collaborative, a network of affordable housing developers, community land trusts, housing cooperatives, tenant organizations, and housing advocates, I hope to see the council to move forward with the recommendation. The city needs a preservation plan and that projected housing dollars will be split across production and preservation. The Chinatown community that I'm representing would like to see a higher-level target for the city’s acquisition-rehabilitation preservation work as the acquisition-rehabilitation is critical in addressing the housing crisis that have been going on for far too long.