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Agenda Item

2.21 21-0349 Subject: HCD Strategic Action Plan 2021-2023 From: Housing And Community Development Recommendation: Receive An Informational Report On The Strategic Action Plan For The Housing & Community Development Department

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    Kenneth Tang over 3 years ago

    Hi My name is Kenneth Tang, an organizer with Asian Pacific Environmental Network, also part of the Oakland Preservation Collaborative, a network of affordable housing developers, community land trusts, housing cooperatives, tenant organizations, and housing advocates, I hope to see the council to move forward with the recommendation. The city needs a preservation plan and that projected housing dollars will be split across production and preservation. The Chinatown community that I'm representing would like to see a higher-level target for the city’s acquisition-rehabilitation preservation work as the acquisition-rehabilitation is critical in addressing the housing crisis that have been going on for far too long.