2.10 21-0311 Subject: City Of Oakland 2021-2022 Tax And Revenue Anticipation Note
From: Finance Department
Recommendation: Adopt An Ordinance Providing For The Borrowing Of Funds And The Issuance And Sale Of 2021-2022 Notes Payable From Revenues Received During The Fiscal Year 2021-2022 In An Amount Not To Exceed $150,000,000 And Approving Certain Related Matters
You are PRE BORROWING Funds Not Paid for Yet... For How Long? City Bond Agent Must be LOVIN' It.
So we are already behind for 2022-2023 as 2021~22 will be short... SMH.
This is Group that is to determine how...
Pay $1.2 Billion, where the Public receives a $1 Billion Dollar Stadium.
That Kind of Expense should bring Up a Community. West Oakland needs More Industry.
East Oakland, Especially south of 66th Avenue needs that Restorative Cash, more than the Fischers.
The East Oakland Community has paid the Price of City's Failures. It shouldn't be the Last part of
the A's Promised Revitalization. But the First Point. Borrowing like this is Reckless. Even with the $192 Million,
in Federal Funds, Your Developers remains as the same Hungry Pack the wants to be fed more Filet Mignon.
You are PRE BORROWING Funds Not Paid for Yet... For How Long? City Bond Agent Must be LOVIN' It.
So we are already behind for 2022-2023 as 2021~22 will be short... SMH.
This is Group that is to determine how...
Pay $1.2 Billion, where the Public receives a $1 Billion Dollar Stadium.
That Kind of Expense should bring Up a Community. West Oakland needs More Industry.
East Oakland, Especially south of 66th Avenue needs that Restorative Cash, more than the Fischers.
The East Oakland Community has paid the Price of City's Failures. It shouldn't be the Last part of
the A's Promised Revitalization. But the First Point. Borrowing like this is Reckless. Even with the $192 Million,
in Federal Funds, Your Developers remains as the same Hungry Pack the wants to be fed more Filet Mignon.