3.18 21-0426 Subject: Active Transportation Program Funds (ATP) Cycle 5 Funding
From: Transportation Department
Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Authorizing The City Administrator To Accept And Appropriate Two (2) Active Transportation Program (ATP) Grants Totaling Thirty-One Million Four Hundred Forty-Nine Thousand Dollars ($31,449,000) For The 7th Street Connection Project And The East Oakland Neighborhood Bike Routes Project, And Committing A Match Of Up to Eleven Million Four Hundred Forty-Nine Thousand Two Hundred Thirty-Nine Dollars ($11,449,239) In Measure BB Funds, Measure KK Infrastructure Bond Funds, Highway Safety Improvement Program Funds, Development Impact Fees, And Federal Earmarks; And Adopt Appropriate California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Findings; On The June 15, 2021 City Council Agenda On Consent