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Agenda Item

6 21-0123 Subject: City Clerk Appointment From: Office Of The City Administrator And Council President Fortunato Bas Recommendation: Consider A Motion To Approve The Appointment Of Asha Reed As City Clerk For The City Of Oakland

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    Ricki Wells almost 4 years ago

    I would like to urge the City Council to approve the appointment of Asha Reed as City Clerk for the City of Oakland and congratulate Ms. Reed on a significant career achievement. Remaining impartial and committed to serving Oakland residents is not an easy task, especially given the current state of city governance. As an Oakland resident I am confident Ms. Reed is committed to upholding the principles of the Brown Act on our behalf and will continue efforts to modernize access to information and public meetings. I would also like that add that Ms. Reed's commitment to service extends beyond the job to nearly 20 years of service as a member of Delta Sigma Theta, Sorority, Inc.

    Lastly, I hope the city will work to ensure important roles within City government continue to go to qualified Oakland residents who have a vested interest in seeing our city thrive.