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Agenda Item

2.10 21-0119 Subject: FY 2020 FEMA Assistance To Firefighters Grant - COVID-19 Supplemental From: Oakland Fire Department Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution: (1) Authorizing The City Administrator, Or His Designee, To: (A) Enter Into An Agreement With The U.S. Department Of Homeland Security's Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) To Accept The Assistance To Firefighters Grant (AFG) COVID-19 Supplemental Funds In The Amount Of Two Hundred Six Thousand Five Hundred And Sixty Four Dollars And Thirty Six Cents ($206,564.36) To Purchase Equipment And Other Necessary Resources For The Project Period Starting July 6, 2020 And Ending July 5, 2021; (B) Appropriate And Administer Said Funds For The Fire Department; (C) Expend Assistance To Firefighter Funds In Accordance With The City's Purchasing Requirements And Programs/Policies; And (2) Allocating Matching Funds In The Amount Of Twenty Thousand Six Hundred Fifty Six Dollars And Forty Four Cents ($20,656.44)

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    Jennifer Findlay almost 4 years ago

    We've already had a fire where the closest fire department was unavailable due to funding and service cuts. We MUST restore all fire fighting capacity in Oakland.

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    Robin Walker, Revered almost 4 years ago

    If this will assist the MACRO establishment I am all for it.

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    Abdelhady QSmarket East Oakland almost 4 years ago

    Hello My names is Abdelhady . I manage Q&S market in east Oakland . I am part of the Saba grocers initiative . Since I started working with saba the community noticed a change in my store and we started to get new customers to buy healthy food special. We added the new produce fridge, and started a discount program on grocery items. I am here to ask for your support in funding our community work over the next year. Please support us and the community and approve item 2.8 on the consent calendar today.
