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Agenda Item

5 Determinations Of Closed Session

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    Raquel Raquel almost 4 years ago

    Hi, I'm Raquel. I'm a homeowner in District 3. I live near 8th and Campbell, and have been in the area for 8 years.

    I'm here on behalf of my family and also my many neighbors who couldn't be here today.

    We would like to request an urgent meeting with the city council to discuss the crime, violence and murders that recently have occurred in our direct community, and our specific safety concerns.

    Many of my neighbors and I have children and families that live with us. We can’t let them play in our front yards or even use the front rooms of our homes because we’re afraid that next time they'll be shot by the stray bullets. My neighbor also has a daycare, and her day care kids were just caught in the middle of a shoot out 2 nights ago, which has really traumatized them and their parents. That same night, the stray bullets went through my other neighbor's house and right past their child's head. A couple months before this, my neighborhood friend, Jeff, was stabbed repeatedly to death and bled out at 8th and Campbell.

    And there are so many other murders and assaults we have witnessed.

    Many of my neighbors are afraid to speak up, for fear of being targeted. The ones who have spoken up feel that they haven’t been heard, as nothing has been done to make our families feel safer.

    We need to meet with you urgently to discuss our community’s specific concerns and to draft a plan that will help secure the safety of our families in the vicinity of 8th and Campbell St.

    Thank you