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Agenda Item

12 20-0664 Subject: Banning Carotid Restraint And All Forms Of Asphyxia From: Oakland Police Department And The Oakland Police Commission Recommendation: Adopt One Of The Following Pieces Of Legislation: 1) A Resolution Adopting Oakland Police Department Special Order 9205, Banning Of The Carotid Restraint And All Forms Of Asphyxia, As Recommended By The Oakland Police Department; Or

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    Allyssa Victory about 4 years ago

    My name is Allyssa Victory and I am a staff attorney with ACLU NorCal police practices team. I support version as submitted by Police Commission. OPD edits to add "once safely restrained” are unnecessary and do not effect the purpose and spirit of the ban.

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    Terri McWilliams about 4 years ago

    Council Members,

    My name is Terri McWilliams, I’m a born and raised Oakland native, a Faith in Action East Bay leader, a member Imani Community Church (Imani Board and Social Justice member), a member of the Coalition for Police Commission (steering committee) and a District 6 resident. Additionally, I’m one of the 83% of the city of Oakland residents who voted for the independent Oakland Police Commission. I’m urging you to unanimously support the language in the Oakland Police Commissions Resolution #2. It is unacceptable that the police department wants to water down the agreed upon language enabling them to do lethal harm to the Oakland community, primarily Black and Brown people. This action continues to demonstrate, to me, the police department’s unwillingness to embrace improving and repairing community relationships let alone get from under the NSA. If Vice Chair Reid meant what he said at the collective meeting of September 29, he’ll lead in voting in support of the Oakland Police Commission, District 7 residents, and the Oakland community overall and ensure the Oakland Police Department gets and keeps their knee off my neck.

    Thank you