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Agenda Item

2.3 20-0624 Subject: Declaration Of A Local Emergency On Homelessness From: Council President Kaplan Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Renewing And Continuing The City Council's Declaration Of A Local Emergency Due To The Existence Of The City's Homelessness Crisis

  • 10110919594661573
    Ashley Davidson about 4 years ago

    This has been an emergency prior to the wildfires. It seems like Oakland has done nothing to help our unhoused communities. During the pandemic, we still see our unhoused communities on the streets and now during wildfire season, we see the same thing. Our unhoused communities need safe/permanent housing NOW and they also need access to free healthcare, food, etc. We see all these new condos all over Oakland being built, that no one can afford, while our unhoused communities are living in squalor; this is unacceptable.