12 20-0592 Subject: Improving The Protected Bicycle Lanes On Telegraph In Kono
From: Councilmember McElhaney
Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Directing The City Administrator To 1) Engage The Residents And Merchants Living And Working Near The Protected Bicycle Lane Pilot In Kono In No Fewer Than Two Public Meetings To Co-Create Improvements To The Street Design And 2) Bring Forward An Informational Report From The Department Of Transportation And Department Of Race And Equity To Analyze Existing Design Strategies To Create An Effective Process For Partnering With Community On Future Streetscape Improvements
I have worked in this neighborhood for 5 years and frequented the neighborhood for 15 years. We appreciate the idea of making our district bike friendly, but this design has too many dangers. It is extremely confusing for all users. Cars turning corners are not able to see bikes coming, pedestrians crossing the street have too many places to look, and folks drive vehicles in the bike lanes with a blatant disregard. Businesses are blocked visibly and are more difficult to access. It is difficult to be safe when exiting a parked car and crossing the bike lanes to get to the sidewalk. The whole design needs to be changed. Please do not put more money into this flawed design before reconfiguring.
Thank you,
Christine Ferrouge
Artist | Curator for the Werkshack | Director of Art Route Oakland
I'm Christopher Kintner, Board President of Transport Oakland. We share the disappointment of the community over the Telegraph Ave Pilot. The condition prior to the recent installation of upgraded bollards was unacceptable and the failure to timely deliver the interim improvements has contributed to a lack of public confidence for this project. We ask that Council affirm its support for the upcoming capital project to install concrete curbs in KONO that will save lives by separating people biking from people driving.
This capital project is funded by a $3.6 million competitively awarded grant from the state. Any additional delays would require OakDOT to refund at least $800K already spent and likely prevent OakDOT from winning future grants given that the penalty for failing to complete previous grants exceeds the current funding threshold.
Given the funding deadlines, we believe that any additional public outreach in KONO must be time limited and clearly scoped so that everybody understand that this project must be delivered next year with protected bike lanes. We hope that the additional engagement between KONO stakeholders and OakDOT will result in a productive exchange on how to serve the needs of all stakeholders while providing safety for our most vulnerable road users and supporting the KONO BID.
We ask that you affirm the Council’s support of the KONO project with protected bike lanes, the additional public outreach, and the on-time delivery of this project.
I have worked in this neighborhood for 5 years and frequented the neighborhood for 15 years. We appreciate the idea of making our district bike friendly, but this design has too many dangers. It is extremely confusing for all users. Cars turning corners are not able to see bikes coming, pedestrians crossing the street have too many places to look, and folks drive vehicles in the bike lanes with a blatant disregard. Businesses are blocked visibly and are more difficult to access. It is difficult to be safe when exiting a parked car and crossing the bike lanes to get to the sidewalk. The whole design needs to be changed. Please do not put more money into this flawed design before reconfiguring.
Thank you,
Christine Ferrouge
Artist | Curator for the Werkshack | Director of Art Route Oakland
I'm Christopher Kintner, Board President of Transport Oakland. We share the disappointment of the community over the Telegraph Ave Pilot. The condition prior to the recent installation of upgraded bollards was unacceptable and the failure to timely deliver the interim improvements has contributed to a lack of public confidence for this project. We ask that Council affirm its support for the upcoming capital project to install concrete curbs in KONO that will save lives by separating people biking from people driving.
This capital project is funded by a $3.6 million competitively awarded grant from the state. Any additional delays would require OakDOT to refund at least $800K already spent and likely prevent OakDOT from winning future grants given that the penalty for failing to complete previous grants exceeds the current funding threshold.
Given the funding deadlines, we believe that any additional public outreach in KONO must be time limited and clearly scoped so that everybody understand that this project must be delivered next year with protected bike lanes. We hope that the additional engagement between KONO stakeholders and OakDOT will result in a productive exchange on how to serve the needs of all stakeholders while providing safety for our most vulnerable road users and supporting the KONO BID.
We ask that you affirm the Council’s support of the KONO project with protected bike lanes, the additional public outreach, and the on-time delivery of this project.