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Agenda Item

13 20-0496 Subject: OPD Special Events Function From: Council President Kaplan Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Requesting The City Administrator To Submit To Council Amendments To Oakland Municipal Chapter 9.52 And Other Ordinances That Establish Criteria, Processes And Regulations For Approving Or Permitting Special Events Activities, To Move Such Duties And Functions From The Oakland Police Department To The City Administrator's Office

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    Aima Paule about 4 years ago

    I am a resident of District 1 and support this measure. Given the risk of police misconduct that OPD has repeatedly shown, it does not make financial sense for the city to utilize our police force in this way.

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    Ashley Davidson about 4 years ago

    I STRONGLY support this resolution. OPD has no place in special events activities.

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    Kyle Kubas about 4 years ago

    Remove OPD from all unnecessary functions! I support this as a D1 resident.

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    Mari Swim about 4 years ago

    Resident of District 4 and support this measure. We need to stop unnecessarily allocating police resources and therefore limited city budget to areas not appropriate for the police to be handling.

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    Amy Fourrier about 4 years ago

    I support this measure

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    Barbara Roessler about 4 years ago

    Most events are safe and convivial until they are not. Before removing the police from such events ask who is able to take thoughtful action at an event when the event turns ugly. Is the City Administrators office the best choice?

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    Sophia Cross about 4 years ago

    I wholly support this measure. There's no reason why special events permitting should ever have gone through the police department in the first place.

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    Tim Minezaki about 4 years ago

    I am a long-term resident of District 1 and support this measure. Given the risk of police misconduct that OPD has repeatedly shown, it does not make financial sense for the city to utilize our police force in this way.

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    A Turner about 4 years ago

    I support this measure. It makes sense and is cost effective to move these duties from OPD and to the City Admin Office.

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    Olivia G about 4 years ago

    As someone who has had to apply for permits for non-profit events i wholeheartedly support moving the application process from the police department to the city admin office. In my experience OPD has only ever been rude and racially profiled community events which require permits.