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Agenda Item

4 20-0526 Subject: The 2030 Oakland Equitable Climate Action Plan From: Oakland Public Works Department Recommendation: Adopt The Following Pieces Of Legislation: 1. A Resolution 1) The 2030 Oakland Equitable Climate Action Plan; 2) Receive Information On The Progress Of Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions; And

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    Nancy Moore over 4 years ago

    Not only does this plan enable Oakland to effectively address climate change, it does so in an equitable way rooted in environmental justice. As someone who participated in the process, I am pleased with its scope and its realization that it must address the needs of all citizens. We must adopt this and we must make all parts of it priorities in dealing with ongoing city operations.

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    Ashley Erickson over 4 years ago

    I support the adoption of the ECAP but urge the Public Works Committee and the Oakland City Council to adopt the Racial Equity Impact Assessment and Implementation Guide (REIA) in addition. In order to ensure that the ECAP is truly equitable in practice, we ask you to include the REIA along with the ECAP in the 'Therefore' clause of the ECAP Resolution. Direct staff to follow the REIA's recommendations in every aspect of ECAP Implementation.

    We also ask that you create a dedicated funding source for ECAP Implementation and prioritize funding for the Oakland Climate Action Network, in this budget cycle.

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    Nicole Wires over 4 years ago

    1. Pass the ECAP without delay, done the right way: with equity at the center.

    In order to ensure that the ECAP is truly equitable in practice, we ask you to include the REIA along with the ECAP in the 'Therefore' clause of the ECAP Resolution. Direct staff to follow the REIA's recommendations in every aspect of ECAP Implementation.

    2. Create a dedicated funding source for ECAP Implementation.

    3. Prioritize funding for the Oakland Climate Action Network, in this budget cycle.

    The ECAP Action, City Leadership-5: “Establish the Oakland Climate Action Network to Support Inclusive Community Engagement on ECAP Implementation," may be the most critical Action in the Plan. The Oakland Climate Action Network (OCAN) is the ECAP’s vehicle for equitable and participatory community engagement, accountability and oversight. The ECAP calls for funding the OCAN at between $500K and $5M.

    We ask you to commit to allocating $5M for the OCAN Action over the course of the 10-year plan, and to set aside the majority of funds for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) -led and -serving community organizations. Please provide funding for the establishment of the OCAN, at a minimum of $500,000, in this year's budget funding cycle.

    4. Defund OPD, Fund the ECAP.

    One source for funding the ECAP would be reallocating funding from the Oakland Police Department. Defunding police to fund equitable climate action cannot wait for the next budget cycle.