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Agenda Item

8 20-0228 Subject: Tenant Protection, Just Cause, & Rent Ordinance Amendments From: City Attorney Parker, Councilmember Bas And Pro Tem Kalb Recommendation: Adopt An Ordinance Amending Chapter 8.22 Of The Oakland Municipal Code (Residential Rent Adjustments And Evictions) To (1) Limit The Maximum Rent Increase In Any One Year To Conform To State Law; (2) Make Failure To Pay Required Relocation Benefits An Affirmative Defense To Eviction; (3) Limit Late Fees; (4) Prohibit Unilaterally Imposed Changes To Terms Of Tenancy; (5) Add One-For-One Replacement Of Roommates To The Definition Of Housing Services; (6) Prohibit Eviction Based On Additional Occupants If Landlord Unreasonably Refused Tenant's Written Request To Add Occupant(S); And (7) Strengthen Tenants' Rights And Enforcement Of Tenants' Rights Under The Tenant Protection Ordinance [TITLE CHANGE]

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    Laura Woltag about 4 years ago

    Even before the COVID-19 pandemic reached California, Oakland faced a housing affordability crisis that threatened our public health, safety, and community stability. A wave of corporate landlords have bought up large parts of Oakland's rental housing stock. Their business model depends on displacing long-term black and brown tenants living in rent-controlled units so that they can rent out their units at higher, inflated prices. Despite our existing laws against tenant harassment, this behavior by bad actor landlords is still an effective way of removing tenants from their homes.

    We are seeing devastating impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic on our community. The aftermath of COVID-19 is only going to worsen Oakland’s housing crisis. Without strong protections, Oakland’s communities of color are on the verge of an avalanche of displacement from which they, and the city’s diversity, may never recover. While the city has taken steps to protect tenants by passing an eviction moratorium, some landlords are continuing to attempt to intimidate tenants into leaving. Now, and as we recover from this pandemic, City Council must act to keep Oakland residents safe and housed.

    Oakland residents need our City Council to pass strong Tenant Protection upgrades NOW.

    We are thankful that Councilmembers Dan Kalb and Nikki Fortunato Bas, and City Attorney Barbara Parker, have sponsored these important protections for Oakland tenants. We urge you and the other city councilmembers to join.

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    Alisa Le about 4 years ago

    Even before the COVID-19 pandemic reached California, Oakland faced a housing affordability crisis that threatened our public health, safety, and community stability. A wave of corporate landlords have bought up large parts of Oakland's rental housing stock. Their business model depends on displacing long-term black and brown tenants living in rent-controlled units so that they can rent out their units at higher, inflated prices. Despite our existing laws against tenant harassment, this behavior by bad actor landlords is still an effective way of removing tenants from their homes.

    We are seeing devastating impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic on our community. The aftermath of COVID-19 is only going to worsen Oakland’s housing crisis. Without strong protections, Oakland’s communities of color are on the verge of an avalanche of displacement from which they, and the city’s diversity, may never recover. While the city has taken steps to protect tenants by passing an eviction moratorium, some landlords are continuing to attempt to intimidate tenants into leaving. Now, and as we recover from this pandemic, City Council must act to keep Oakland residents safe and housed.
    Oakland residents need our City Council to pass strong Tenant Protection upgrades NOW.
    We are thankful that Councilmembers Dan Kalb and Nikki Fortunato Bas, and City Attorney Barbara Parker, have sponsored these important protections for Oakland tenants. We urge you and the other city councilmembers to join them.

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    Elias Foerster about 4 years ago

    Even before the COVID-19 pandemic reached California, Oakland faced a housing affordability crisis that threatened our public health, safety, and community stability. A wave of corporate landlords have bought up large parts of Oakland's rental housing stock. Their business model depends on displacing long-term black and brown tenants living in rent-controlled units so that they can rent out their units at higher, inflated prices. Despite our existing laws against tenant harassment, this behavior by bad actor landlords is still an effective way of removing tenants from their homes.
    We are seeing devastating impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic on our community. The aftermath of COVID-19 is only going to worsen Oakland’s housing crisis. Without strong protections, Oakland’s communities of color are on the verge of an avalanche of displacement from which they, and the city’s diversity, may never recover. While the city has taken steps to protect tenants by passing an eviction moratorium, some landlords are continuing to attempt to intimidate tenants into leaving. Now, and as we recover from this pandemic, City Council must act to keep Oakland residents safe and housed.
    Oakland residents need our City Council to pass strong Tenant Protection upgrades NOW.
    We are thankful that Councilmembers Dan Kalb and Nikki Fortunato Bas, and City Attorney Barbara Parker, have sponsored these important protections for Oakland tenants. We urge you and the other city councilmembers to join them.

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    Spence Koehler about 4 years ago

    Even before the COVID-19 pandemic reached California, Oakland faced a housing affordability crisis that threatened our public health, safety, and community stability. A wave of corporate landlords have bought up large parts of Oakland's rental housing stock. Their business model depends on displacing long-term black and brown tenants living in rent-controlled units so that they can rent out their units at higher, inflated prices. Despite our existing laws against tenant harassment, this behavior by bad actor landlords is still an effective way of removing tenants from their homes.
    We are seeing devastating impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic on our community. The aftermath of COVID-19 is only going to worsen Oakland’s housing crisis. Without strong protections, Oakland’s communities of color are on the verge of an avalanche of displacement from which they, and the city’s diversity, may never recover. While the city has taken steps to protect tenants by passing an eviction moratorium, some landlords are continuing to attempt to intimidate tenants into leaving. Now, and as we recover from this pandemic, City Council must act to keep Oakland residents safe and housed.
    Oakland residents need our City Council to pass strong Tenant Protection upgrades NOW.
    We are thankful that Councilmembers Dan Kalb and Nikki Fortunato Bas, and City Attorney Barbara Parker, have sponsored these important protections for Oakland tenants. We urge you and the other city councilmembers to join them.

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    Jonathan Hunt about 4 years ago

    I write as a former Oakland renter.
    Oakland residents need our City Council to pass strong Tenant Protection upgrades NOW.
    Thanks to Councilmembers Dan Kalb and Nikki Fortunato Bas, and City Attorney Barbara Parker, who have sponsored these important protections.

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    Colleen Fitzgerrell about 4 years ago

    Even before the COVID-19 pandemic reached California, Oakland faced a housing affordability crisis that threatened our public health, safety, and community stability. A wave of corporate landlords have bought up large parts of Oakland's rental housing stock. Their business model depends on displacing long-term black and brown tenants living in rent-controlled units so that they can rent out their units at higher, inflated prices. Despite our existing laws against tenant harassment, this behavior by bad actor landlords is still an effective way of removing tenants from their homes.

    We are seeing devastating impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic on our community. The aftermath of COVID-19 is only going to worsen Oakland’s housing crisis. Without strong protections, Oakland’s communities of color are on the verge of an avalanche of displacement from which they, and the city’s diversity, may never recover. While the city has taken steps to protect tenants by passing an eviction moratorium, some landlords are continuing to attempt to intimidate tenants into leaving. Now, and as we recover from this pandemic, City Council must act to keep Oakland residents safe and housed.

    Oakland residents need our City Council to pass strong Tenant Protection upgrades NOW.

    We are thankful that Councilmembers Dan Kalb and Nikki Fortunato Bas, and City Attorney Barbara Parker, have sponsored these protections for Oakland tenants. We urge you and the other city councilmembers to join them.

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    Eva Short about 4 years ago

    Even before the COVID-19 pandemic reached California, Oakland faced a housing affordability crisis that threatened our public health, safety, and community stability. A wave of corporate landlords have bought up large parts of Oakland's rental housing stock. Their business model depends on displacing long-term black and brown tenants living in rent-controlled units so that they can rent out their units at higher, inflated prices. Despite our existing laws against tenant harassment, this behavior by bad actor landlords is still an effective way of removing tenants from their homes.

    We are seeing devastating impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic on our community. The aftermath of COVID-19 is only going to worsen Oakland’s housing crisis. Without strong protections, Oakland’s communities of color are on the verge of an avalanche of displacement from which they, and the city’s diversity, may never recover. While the city has taken steps to protect tenants by passing an eviction moratorium, some landlords are continuing to attempt to intimidate tenants into leaving. Now, and as we recover from this pandemic, City Council must act to keep Oakland residents safe and housed.

    Oakland residents need our City Council to pass strong Tenant Protection upgrades NOW.

    We are thankful that Councilmembers Dan Kalb and Nikki Fortunato Bas, and City Attorney Barbara Parker, have sponsored these important protections. We urge you and the other city councilmembers to join them.

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    Rachel Wilson about 4 years ago

    Even before the COVID-19 pandemic reached California, Oakland faced a housing affordability crisis that threatened our public health, safety, and community stability. A wave of corporate landlords have bought up large parts of Oakland's rental housing stock. Their business model depends on displacing long-term black and brown tenants living in rent-controlled units so that they can rent out their units at higher, inflated prices. Despite existing laws against tenant harassment, this behavior by bad actor landlords is still an effective way of removing tenants from their homes.

    We are seeing devastating impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic on our community. The aftermath of COVID-19 is only going to worsen Oakland’s housing crisis. Without strong protections, Oakland’s communities of color are on the verge of an avalanche of displacement from which they, and the city’s diversity, may never recover. While the city has taken steps to protect tenants by passing an eviction moratorium, some landlords are continuing to attempt to intimidate tenants into leaving. Now, and as we recover from this pandemic, City Council must act to keep Oakland residents safe and housed.

    Oakland residents need our City Council to pass strong Tenant Protection upgrades NOW.

    We are thankful that Councilmembers Dan Kalb and Nikki Fortunato Bas, and City Attorney Barbara Parker, have sponsored these important protections for Oakland tenants. We urge you and the other city councilmembers to join them.

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    Paci Hammond about 4 years ago

    Housing is a right, and now more than ever! Marginally housed residents of Oakland, people living in encampments, all need safe living spaces, ones that allow them to live at safe distances in this time of pandemic.

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    Laura Blosser about 4 years ago

    We are seeing devastating impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic on our community. The aftermath of COVID-19 is only going to worsen Oakland’s housing crisis. Without strong protections, Oakland’s communities of color are on the verge of an avalanche of displacement from which they, and the city’s diversity, may never recover. While the city has taken steps to protect tenants by passing an eviction moratorium, some landlords are continuing to attempt to intimidate tenants into leaving. Now, and as we recover from this pandemic, City Council must act to keep Oakland residents safe and housed.

    Oakland residents need our City Council to pass strong Tenant Protection upgrades NOW.

    We are thankful that Councilmembers Dan Kalb and Nikki Fortunato Bas, and City Attorney Barbara Parker, have sponsored these important protections. We urge you and the other city councilmembers to join them.

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    Gabby Zacks about 4 years ago

    Even before the COVID-19 pandemic reached California, Oakland faced a housing affordability crisis that threatened our public health, safety, and community stability. A wave of corporate landlords have bought up large parts of Oakland's rental housing stock. Their business model depends on displacing long-term black and brown tenants living in rent-controlled units so that they can rent out their units at higher, inflated prices. Despite our existing laws against tenant harassment, this behavior by bad actor landlords is still an effective way of removing tenants from their homes.

    We are seeing devastating impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic on our community. The aftermath of COVID-19 is only going to worsen Oakland’s housing crisis. Without strong protections, Oakland’s communities of color are on the verge of an avalanche of displacement from which they, and the city’s diversity, may never recover. While the city has taken steps to protect tenants by passing an eviction moratorium, some landlords are continuing to attempt to intimidate tenants into leaving. Now, and as we recover from this pandemic, City Council must act to keep Oakland residents safe and housed.

    Oakland residents need our City Council to pass strong Tenant Protection upgrades NOW.

    We are thankful that Councilmembers Dan Kalb and Nikki Fortunato Bas, and City Attorney Barbara Parker, have sponsored these important protections. We urge you and the other city councilmembers to join them.

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    Savannah Magruder about 4 years ago

    Even before the COVID-19 pandemic reached California, Oakland faced a housing affordability crisis that threatened our public health, safety, and community stability. A wave of corporate landlords have bought up large parts of Oakland's rental housing stock. Their business model depends on displacing long-term black and brown tenants living in rent-controlled units so that they can rent out their units at higher, inflated prices. Despite our existing laws against tenant harassment, this behavior by bad actor landlords is still an effective way of removing tenants from their homes.

    We are seeing devastating impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic on our community. The aftermath of COVID-19 is only going to worsen Oakland’s housing crisis. Without strong protections, Oakland’s communities of color are on the verge of an avalanche of displacement from which they, and the city’s diversity, may never recover. While the city has taken steps to protect tenants by passing an eviction moratorium, some landlords are continuing to attempt to intimidate tenants into leaving. Now, and as we recover from this pandemic, City Council must act to keep Oakland residents safe and housed.

    Oakland residents need our City Council to pass strong Tenant Protection upgrades NOW.

    We are thankful Councilmembers Dan Kalb and Nikki Fortunato Bas, and City Attorney Barbara Parker, have sponsored these important protections for Oakland tenants. We urge you and the other city councilmembers to join them.

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    Diana Thormoto about 4 years ago

    Even before the COVID-19 pandemic reached California, Oakland faced a housing affordability crisis that threatened our public health, safety, and community stability. A wave of corporate landlords have bought up large parts of Oakland's rental housing stock. Their business model depends on displacing long-term black and brown tenants living in rent-controlled units so that they can rent out their units at higher, inflated prices. Despite our existing laws against tenant harassment, this behavior by bad actor landlords is still an effective way of removing tenants from their homes.

    We are seeing devastating impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic on our community. The aftermath of COVID-19 is only going to worsen Oakland’s housing crisis. Without strong protections, Oakland’s communities of color are on the verge of an avalanche of displacement from which they, and the city’s diversity, may never recover. While the city has taken steps to protect tenants by passing an eviction moratorium, some landlords are continuing to attempt to intimidate tenants into leaving. Now, and as we recover from this pandemic, City Council must act to keep Oakland residents safe and housed.

    Oakland residents need our City Council to pass strong Tenant Protection upgrades NOW.

    We are thankful that Councilmembers Dan Kalb and Nikki Fortunato Bas, and City Attorney Barbara Parker, have sponsored these important protections. We urge you and the other city councilmembers to join them.

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    Monica Calzada about 4 years ago

    During this COVID pandemic, it is even more important that we watch over and take care of those most in need in our society. Housing is an essential need for everyone. I urge you to protect Oakland residents and pass the upgrades to the Tenant Protection ordnance.

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    Alix Nn about 4 years ago

    Oakland residents need their City Council to pass strong Tenant Protection upgrades NOW.

    Even before the COVID-19 pandemic reached California, Oakland faced a housing affordability crisis that threatened our public health, safety, and community stability. A wave of corporate landlords have bought up large parts of Oakland's rental housing stock. Their business model depends on displacing long-term black and brown tenants living in rent-controlled units so that they can rent out their units at higher, inflated prices. Despite our existing laws against tenant harassment, this behavior by bad actor landlords is still an effective way of removing tenants from their homes.

    We are seeing devastating impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic on our community. The aftermath of COVID-19 is only going to worsen Oakland’s housing crisis. Without strong protections, Oakland’s communities of color are on the verge of an avalanche of displacement from which they, and the city’s diversity, may never recover. While the city has taken steps to protect tenants by passing an eviction moratorium, some landlords are continuing to attempt to intimidate tenants into leaving. Now, and as we recover from this pandemic, City Council must act to keep Oakland residents safe and housed.

    We are thankful that Councilmembers Dan Kalb and Nikki Fortunato Bas, and City Attorney Barbara Parker, have sponsored these important protections. We urge you and the other city councilmembers to join them.

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    Laura Einhorn about 4 years ago

    Even before the COVID-19 pandemic reached California, Oakland faced a housing affordability crisis that threatened our public health, safety, and community stability. A wave of corporate landlords have bought up large parts of Oakland's rental housing stock. Their business model depends on displacing long-term black and brown tenants living in rent-controlled units so that they can rent out their units at higher, inflated prices. Despite our existing laws against tenant harassment, this behavior by bad actor landlords is still an effective way of removing tenants from their homes.

    We are seeing devastating impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic on our community. The aftermath of COVID-19 is only going to worsen Oakland’s housing crisis. Without strong protections, Oakland’s communities of color are on the verge of an avalanche of displacement from which they, and the city’s diversity, may never recover. While the city has taken steps to protect tenants by passing an eviction moratorium, some landlords are continuing to attempt to intimidate tenants into leaving. Now, and as we recover from this pandemic, City Council must act to keep Oakland residents safe and housed.
    Oakland residents need our City Council to pass strong Tenant Protection upgrades NOW.
    We are thankful that Councilmembers Dan Kalb and Nikki Fortunato Bas, and City Attorney Barbara Parker, have sponsored these important protections for Oakland tenants. We urge you and the other city councilmembers to join them.

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    Joanna Cutrara about 4 years ago

    Even before the COVID-19 pandemic reached California, Oakland faced a housing affordability crisis that threatened our public health, safety, and community stability. A wave of corporate landlords have bought up large parts of Oakland's rental housing stock. Their business model depends on displacing long-term black and brown tenants living in rent-controlled units so that they can rent out their units at higher, inflated prices. Despite our existing laws against tenant harassment, this behavior by bad actor landlords is still an effective way of removing tenants from their homes.

    We are seeing devastating impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic on our community. The aftermath of COVID-19 is only going to worsen Oakland’s housing crisis. Without strong protections, Oakland’s communities of color are on the verge of an avalanche of displacement from which they, and the city’s diversity, may never recover. While the city has taken steps to protect tenants by passing an eviction moratorium, some landlords are continuing to attempt to intimidate tenants into leaving. Now, and as we recover from this pandemic, City Council must act to keep Oakland residents safe and housed.

    Oakland residents need our City Council to pass strong Tenant Protection upgrades NOW.

    We are thankful that Councilmembers Dan Kalb and Nikki Fortunato Bas, and City Attorney Barbara Parker, have sponsored these important protections. We urge you and the other city councilmembers to join them.

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    Blythe Riske about 4 years ago

    Even before the COVID-19 pandemic reached California, Oakland faced a housing affordability crisis that threatened our public health, safety, and community stability. A wave of corporate landlords have bought up large parts of Oakland's rental housing stock. Their business model depends on displacing long-term black and brown tenants living in rent-controlled units so that they can rent out their units at higher, inflated prices. Despite our existing laws against tenant harassment, this behavior by bad actor landlords is still an effective way of removing tenants from their homes.

    We are seeing devastating impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic on our community. The aftermath of COVID-19 is only going to worsen Oakland’s housing crisis. Without strong protections, Oakland’s communities of color are on the verge of an avalanche of displacement from which they, and the city’s diversity, may never recover. While the city has taken steps to protect tenants by passing an eviction moratorium, some landlords are continuing to attempt to intimidate tenants into leaving. Now, and as we recover from this pandemic, City Council must act to keep Oakland residents safe and housed.

    Oakland residents need our City Council to pass strong Tenant Protection upgrades NOW.

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    Uriel WolfeBlank about 4 years ago

    People are really struggling right now with the multiple threats of poverty, unemployment, and covid-19. Our society is to be judged by how we treat the most vulnerable. This is a tangible step that you, as lawmakers can do to ensure that people will be safer and more supported. PLEASE pass strong Tenant Protection upgrades NOW.

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    Amy Rappaport about 4 years ago

    Even before the COVID-19 pandemic reached California, Oakland faced a housing affordability crisis that threatened our public health, safety, and community stability. A wave of corporate landlords have bought up large parts of Oakland's rental housing stock. Their business model depends on displacing long-term black and brown tenants living in rent-controlled units so that they can rent out their units at higher, inflated prices. Despite our existing laws against tenant harassment, this behavior by bad actor landlords is still an effective way of removing tenants from their homes.

    We are seeing devastating impacts from the COVID-19 pandemic on our community. The aftermath of COVID-19 is only going to worsen Oakland’s housing crisis. Without strong protections, Oakland’s communities of color are on the verge of an avalanche of displacement from which they, and the city’s diversity, may never recover. While the city has taken steps to protect tenants by passing an eviction moratorium, some landlords are continuing to attempt to intimidate tenants into leaving. Now, and as we recover from this pandemic, City Council must act to keep Oakland residents safe and housed.

    Oakland residents need our City Council to pass strong Tenant Protection upgrades NOW.

    We are thankful that Councilmembers Dan Kalb and Nikki Fortunato Bas, and City Attorney Barbara Parker, have sponsored these important protections. We urge you and the other city councilmembers to join them.