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Agenda Item

8 20-0469 Subject: Carotid Restraint And Chokeholds Resolution From: President Pro Tempore Kalb And Councilmember Taylor Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Requesting The Oakland Police Commission To Immediately Review And Propose A Change To The Oakland Police Department's Use Of Force Policy That Would Ban The Use Of Carotid Restraints And Chokeholds Under Any And All Circumstances

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    Martha Smith over 4 years ago

    I am a resident of District 6, and I support not only banning all chokeholds but also cutting at least $25 million from the OPD budget as outlined in Councilwoman Nikki Fortunato Bas's plan. With a total budget of around $330 million, this change is relatively small, but is an essential first step in showing that Oakland is serious about walking the path of fairness and justice for its citizens. For far too long, we have believed the lie that the only solution to a city's problems are "more cops on the streets". That $25 million would be far better spent on social services, housing, mental health care, and all the other grave needs our community faces. The Oakland City Council has an opportunity to lead not just our city but our nation in starting down the path toward to more safe and equitable future. Please, be bold and brave enough to make the right choice today.

    Thank you,
    Martha Smith

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    Ashleigh Halverstadt over 4 years ago

    I strongly support an immediate ban on carotid restraint and chokeholds under any and all circumstances. The Agenda Report notes that this legislation was informed by #8 Can't Wait, among other sources. If that's true, then you understand that there is already a HUGE body of evidence proving that these methods are unnecessary, deadly, and systematically used to inflict violence on Black and Brown communities. There is no need to spend time and resources "reviewing" policy options and considering whether a ban is "warranted." Amend this resolution to insist on a full and immediate ban.

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    Christoph Neyer over 4 years ago

    I fully support the ban on carotid restraints and chokeholds, but I urge the council to go further. Policy tweaks like this do not address the root cause of racial inequities in our city.
    The community is calling for real change by reallocating money from oppressive systems of control and criminality into programs and that support the community.
    Defund OPD by at least 50%.

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    hunter king over 4 years ago

    I am a D5 resident and I support making this ban immediate and defunding the OPD

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    Amy Early over 4 years ago

    I am a resident of Oakland District 2 and I support the following:
    Defund the Oakland Police Department
    Invest the money from defunding OPD into housing and healthcare
    Stop the use of violence of any kind against protestors (ban chokeholds, restraints, tear gas, rubber bullets)
    The city’s review of 911 calls must have community participation and involvement
    We must have a transparent, democratic process in reconsidering the “equity caucus” budget amendment

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    Isaac Katten over 4 years ago

    I fully support the ban on chokeholds of all sorts. I also ask that the council go further by:
    1. Reducing OPD's budget by 50% with the option of further reductions
    2. End overtime for police officers
    3. Prevent OPD from using general fund monies to settle lawsuits
    4. Divert all funding from OPD to social services, mental health treatment, education, housing, jobs, restorative justice, youth programs, and other programs that actually keep communities safe.

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    Cory Fauver over 4 years ago

    I am a resident of District 1 and I want to thank Dan Kalb for his recommendation to adopt this resolution. The council should absolutely request that the Oakland Police Commission review and change OPD's use of force policy to ban carotid restraints and chokeholds. That said, as we saw with OPD's recent violation of their own policy for the use of tear gas, we cannot rely on regulations to control OPD's actions or those of mutual aid officers they oversee. They show no accountability to the policies they are supposed to follow. The only solution is to defund OPD and redirect the funds to build a more comprehensive system of support for the community.

    If OPD's violations of its own policies are allowed to continue in cases when OPD perpetrates racist violence, this recommendation policy change won't save any lives. If the council doesn't move to drastically reduce OPD's funding, the citizenry will see this resolution as politically convenient lip-service to the activism that's pushing for change.

    Oakland is watching how you vote! Our city council should respond to the demands of its citizens and understand that an extraordinarily activated citizenry is prepared to ensure that your term ends this election cycle if you are unwilling to listen to the people. Council members Kalb, McElhaney, Gallo, Reid, and Kaplan will all be up for re-election this fall.

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    Arielle Rebek over 4 years ago

    I fully support the immediate ban of restraints and chokeholds. However, I am concerned that this policy may not be enough to prevent such tactics from being used by OPD officers. OPD has a history of violating its own policies around deescalation. What will you do to ensure officers are held accountable? This must be a part of the resolution.

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    Fi Fi over 4 years ago

    I support the immediate BAN of the carotid chokehold (which I'm confused why this wasn't included in the grand ban of "chokeholds").
    I also support the ban of tear gas & rubber bullets in our town.
    I also support the denial of mutual aid from any organization not willing to adhere to our policies & protocols that are designed to keep our citizens safe. Any other actions are a direct disregard for the safety of your constituents.

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    Yuri Crdenas over 4 years ago

    Reviewing and proposing a change to the Police Commision, so they can propose it to the police? This is not enough. We need a full stop of inhumane practices by the police. This is a mess, and we don't need to waste all of our time with Items with no power.

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    Kathryn Barton over 4 years ago

    I am an Oakland resident and Oakland public school teacher writing to support this measure but urging the City Council to go further. As Oakland residents, we demand that you take immediate action to ensure the following:

    -Reduce OPD’s allocation from the General Fund by 50% (roughly $150 Million)
    -Disallow unauthorized overtime by OPD
    -Invest in housing, jobs, youth programs, restorative justice, and mental health workers to keep the community safe

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    Rashidah Grinage over 4 years ago

    Appreciation to Dan Kalb and Nikki Fortunato Bas, but we believe the policy is too narrow and should be expanded to include all tactics that lead to death or severe injury as a result of asphyxia. Our proposed language has been sent to all of you for your consideration and has been proposed to the Police Commission as well.

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    Sarah Hauser over 4 years ago

    I am a resident of Oakland District 3. I support a ban on all restrictive holds, including chokeholds and carotid holds, that lead to irreversible injury and death of members of our community. Such tactics are completely inappropriate for a division that take an oath to protect and serve the community.

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    Charlie Mintz over 4 years ago

    I am a District 1 resident. Ban chokeholds now.

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    Lindsay Hooper over 4 years ago

    Chokeholds are killing INNOCENT people--police must use non-lethal non-abusive deescalation techniques when appropriate. I demand that the City of Oakland ban these dangerous practices and take a step toward helping citizens feel more secure that any police force takes it's oath to serve and protect as peace officers.

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    Joshua Mayfield over 4 years ago

    These holds are far past unnecessary force. They can cause permanent trauma, and death. They should 100% be banned. This should also not be limited to choke-holds and cartoid restraints, but be expanded to any hold that restricts blood/oxygen flow to the brain. Better yet train officers in how to deescalate a situation, rather than shooting or choking people to death.

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    Yeshe Salz over 4 years ago

    I am a resident of district two and I call on city council to ban the use of chokeholds by police on the public and to defund OPD by at least 50% to ensure further violence is not inflicted on the Oakland community.

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    A Turner over 4 years ago

    We need an outright and immediate ban on restraints and holds that block blood and oxygen flow. These tactics NEVER should have been allowed and must be banned immediately. We are past needing to “review.” We also need to stop relying on OPD to reform itself — OPD has proven incapable of doing so and has lost all community trust. And if any OPD officer or officer supplying OPD with mutual aid goes against this policy, there needs to be severe repercussions. This needs to be clear in the policy.

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    Lauren Rosenfield over 4 years ago

    I am a District 1 resident and I strongly support this ban on chokeholds as well as a defunding of at least 50% of OPD.

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    Ashley Davidson over 4 years ago

    I believe OPD Sgt Joseph Turner had a say in this policy? This is completely unacceptable and inappropriate, and he needs to be removed from this policy. This man killed Richard Perkins Jr and was a part of an OPD coverup. He is corrupt and he needs to be fired.

    We need to keep it broad with this policy and not limit it to carotid restraints; it needs to be any form of restraint and asphyxiation. This policy needs to be enhanced with clearer wording. Also. if an OPD officer goes against this policy, there needs to be severe repercussions. That needs to be added to the policy.