Agenda Item

2 20-0440 Subject: FY 2020-21 Appropriations Limit From: Finance Department Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Establishing An Appropriations Limit For Fiscal Year 2020-21 Pursuant To Article XIIIB Of The California Constitution

   Oppose     Neutral     Support    
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    aliya seo 8 months ago

    In the bustling city centre, the vibrant energy of the crowd was palpable. People hurried along the sidewalks, each with their own destination in mind, while street vendors called out, enticing passersby with the aroma of freshly cooked food. The towering skyscrapers, with their reflective glass facades, loomed overhead, casting intricate patterns of light and shadow on the streets below. Amid the urban hustle, a lone busker played a soulful tune on his guitar, momentarily captivating those who stopped to listen. The honking of cars and the distant hum of conversation created a symphony of urban life, a testament to the relentless pace and unending dynamism of the city. [url=]Amazons GPT55X[/url]

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    Saundra Howard over 4 years ago

    My name is Saundra Howard and I am a long time resident of Oakland. I am deeply saddened by the city's response in calls for change and being told the number of calls made to the police is not a case to keep investing in the punitive system of policing. It would be more helpful to discuss what the calls are for and whether we need the police system as it is for all of those calls. I am urging you as your constituent to at least be open to idea of redesigning the system of public safety by divesting from the police by 50% this year, and creating a 6-9 month transition. We have the power to actually lessen calls made by actually investing in people; in their education, mental health and services that create opportunity. Oakland leaders please be brave in this moment as we are watching and will be holding you accountable when we go to the polls.

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    Julia Liou over 4 years ago

    My name is Julia Liou and I am the Chair of the Sugar Sweetened Beverage (SSB) Community Advisory Board. The SSB Board is requesting Council support of our recommendation to keep the SSB’s current $2M budget allocation intact. It will be important for this $2M to be kept intact so that community organizations and entities can continue the important and needed work in our communities for this upcoming fiscal year. We are in a critical moment in time when it is even more important to support on-the-ground work being done by trusted organizations who are helping to address the significant chronic disease and health disparities that are associated with sugar sweetened beverage consumption, which have only been further amplified by the pandemic.

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    Claire Norris over 4 years ago

    My name is Claire Norris, and I am a District 1 resident in Oakland. This weekend there was a Juneteenth celebration in the park near my apartment in Mosswood, and all afternoon I heard helicopters flying overhead. It was terrifying and made me fear for the safety of my Black and Brown neighbors during what was supposed to be a time of celebration. The City Council must reallocate at least half of OPD's budget to services that lift the community up, like housing, healthcare, education, and mental health services, instead of continuing to surveil, intimidate, and murder members of the community.

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    Cassandra Carver over 4 years ago

    Despite the Mayor's insistence on reform, we have seen over and over again that reform has not worked when it comes to policing. There is no amount of sensitivity training that can fix a system historically rooted in racism and violence or a culture that encourages violence against our communities. Reform will not work!

    We DEMAND that Oakland City Council DEFUND OPD and REINVEST in community by:
    Defunding the Oakland Police Department by at least 50%
    Investing the money from defunding OPD into passing the full Black New Deal
    Stopping the use of violence of any kind against protestors
    Cutting the contract with the California Highway Patrol — who brutally murdered Erik Salgado in East Oakland two weeks ago — and removing them from Oakland
    We can best keep our community safe by using The People’s Money to provide living wage jobs, housing for all, youth programs, health care, restorative justice and other essential community services.

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    Fi Fi over 4 years ago

    ABSOLUTE OPPOSITION to the "Equity Caucus's" proposal, which includes cutting funds from the OUSD.
    This is BLASPHEMOUS.
    Our children need MORE funding, not LESS.

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    Belen Reyes over 4 years ago

    My name is Belen Reyes, and I am a resident of district 6. I am writing to ask that you defund OPD by at least 50% this year, including creating a transition plan for the next 6-9 months. Instead, invest that money into services that actually keep community members safe - including housing, jobs, youth programs, and mental health.

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    Laura Wesely over 4 years ago

    My name is Laura Wesely and I've been a district 4 resident for 9 years. I have seen a police car in my neighborhood once, yet when I go to other neighborhoods where development has stripped folks of their homes and dignity, suddenly the police are omnipresent. Police are supposed to stop (not event prevent) violence and what they actually seem to do is inflict violence in the form of terror and brutality. OPD currently uses and acquires militarized weapons without any oversight (we need to approve the Ordinance), uses general budget funds to cover legal fees incurred by the "bad apples," partner with organizations like CHP to terrorize and murder people, and continue to ask for more money. The audacity! The police are a bad investment; a liability. You have the power to do the RIGHT thing! We need money towards the programs that actually prevent violence, like access to housing, jobs, education, mental health, food, social services rooted in the community.

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    Casey McHugh over 4 years ago

    Speaking on agenda item #2 (FY2020-21 Midcycle Budget Amendments).
    My name is Casey McHugh and I am a District 1 resident. I am writing to ask that you defund OPD by at least 50% this year, including creating a transition plan for the next 6-9 months. Instead, invest that money into services that actually keep community members safe - including housing, jobs, youth programs, and mental health.

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    Ashley Reyes over 4 years ago

    Speaking on agenda item #2 (FY2020-21 Midcycle Budget Amendments).
    My name is Ashley Reyes, I am a resident of District 2. I'm writing in support of defunding OPD by 50%. A twenty-five million dollar cut to their ridiculously large budget is not NEARLY enough. I've been attending these meetings and can confidently say that the residents are in agreement with the demands proposed by APTP. Show us that you are listening to your residents and that you stand with us. Show us that you *understand* that you work FOR us. We need care, not cops. We need community care, not cops.

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    Heidi Walti over 4 years ago

    Speaking on agenda item #2 (FY2020-21 Midcycle Budget Amendments).
    I am a resident of district 1 and I am disgusted with Mayor Schaaf's budget proposal. The people have spoken and we want HALF of OPD's budget cut and reallocated into community services, affordable housing, healthcare, and restorative justice. Please stand up and take the bold action she refuses to make. We have the chance to be a progressive role model for the country. If you aren't willing, the voters will find people who will.

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    Savannah Becker over 4 years ago

    Speaking on agenda item #2 (FY2020-21 Midcycle Budget Amendments).
    I've lived in district 3 for 14 years. It took 10 years of living here before I ever saw the police talk to or pull over someone who wasn't black. I've driven past a cluster of brand new SUVs surrounding one black homeless person more times than I can count. This must be so terrifying for the surrounded person. Instead of paying the police to harass the homeless, mentally ill and drug-addicted, can we please use half the OPD budget to get some affordable housing, mental health, social services that actually support the community? Since moving here in 2000 there have been many school closures. How about we have a school opening? Lets use our hard earned money for good, not for terror.

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    Carel Bertram over 4 years ago

    My name is Carel Bertram and I am an Oakland resident urging you to defund OPD.

    I support the spirit of the proposal by Nikki Fortunato Bas: "to reallocate (from the police budget) at least $25 million towards improving safety and providing the services our residents really need," but this proposal does NOT go far enough!

    Over 700 people e-commented on last week’s meeting. Over 150 spoke at the meeting itself. Over 95% of both sets of comments were in favor of defunding the Police. Why do you need another meeting? Just listen to your constituents.

    As Oakland residents, we continue to demand that you take immediate action to ensure the following:

    1. DEFUND OPD by 50%
    2. INVEST that $150 million in the Black New Deal
    3. STOP the use of violence against protesters
    4. CANCEL CHP's contract & remove them from Oakland

    Thank you for being on the right side of history. We will remember in November.

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    Terri McWilliams over 4 years ago

    Terri McWilliams, District 6 resident born and raised in Oakland (June 22, 2020)
    I’m writing to, again, asking that you discontinue funding the Oakland Police Department and re-invest said dollars to support education, housing, employment, and healthcare services. While I don’t disagree with a need for some type of Pubic Safety assistance, clearly OPD has failed to provide adequate and positive service to the Oakland community given that we are in year 17 or 18 of Federal oversight. When will the council find the strength to say no to Libby Schaaf and OPD putting the community who elected all of you FIRST? I hope I don’t have to, yet again, beg to take advantage of the services my tax money should be providing.

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    Kate DeCiccio over 4 years ago

    My name is Kate DeCiccio & I live in district 4. I dare you to invest in an Oakland where our kiddos attend resource rich schools, where our neighborhoods have loads of accessible green space & programs that meet our needs You could be part of a time in history when Oakland commits to the people, a time when Oakland interrupts the horrific legacy of decades of terror perpetrated by OPD. Stop funding all the ways policing brings targeted violence to Oakland and get behind community led healing! Listen to Critical Resistance, Black Organizing Project and Anti Police-Terror Project. Commit to moving $150M from OPD into the community today and lets start dreaming on how to work toward complete defunding within in 5 years. We vote for you, right now we're asking that you vote for the people of Oakland. Disarm the cops. Defund the cops. Dismantle the cops.

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    Isaac Katten over 4 years ago

    My name is Isaac Katten, I am a District 2 resident. I am writing to ask that you reduce the Oakland police department's budget by a minimum of 50% with no more overtime pay drafted from the general fund. Monies divested from the police should be reinvested in education, mental health services, housing, jobs, restorative justice, and other essential structures and services that, when lacking the necessary funding, are the root causes of many social issues that we criminalize. My requests are aligned with the Anti Police-Terror Project demands, but I ask that in addition, you formulate a plan to completely defund the police by 2030.

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    A Nicole over 4 years ago


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    Monica Bien over 4 years ago

    700 people wrote in last time and 150 spoke. Why do we need another meeting? The people have spoken and this is a democracy right? Libby's proposal is an insult, 6.5 million. Current safety models are racist and small minded and ineffective and expensive. It's time to reimagine our city.
    Monica Bien. Oakland Resident district 4.