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Agenda Item

2.13 20-0421 Subject: OPD Shotspotter Contract From: Oakland Police Department Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Authorizing The City Administrator Or Designee To 1) Enter Into A Professional Services Agreement With Shotspotter, Inc. For Gunshot Location Detection Service Coverage, Subject To The Availability Of Funds And Approval By The City Council Of The Funds In The Oakland Police Department's Baseline Budget Proposal, For: A. Oakland Police Department (OPD) Shotspotter Geographic Area "Phase I" For April 19, 2020 Through June 30, 2020 For Nineteen Thousand, Four Hundred Forty-Eight Dollars ($19,448); B. OPD Shotspotter Areas Phases I, II, And III, From July 1, 2020 To June 30, 2021, For An Amount Not To Exceed Five Hundred Seventy-Two Thousand, Five Hundred Sixty-Two Dollars ($572,562); C. OPD Shotspotter Areas Phase I, II, And III, From July 1, 2021 To June 30, 2022, For An Amount Not To Exceed Six Hundred One Thousand, One Hundred Ninety Dollars ($601,190); D. OPD Shotspotter Areas Phase I, II, And III, From July 1, 2022 To June 30, 2023, For An Amount Not To Exceed Six Hundred Thirty-One Thousand, Two Hundred Forty-Eight Dollars ($631,248); For A Total Amount Not To Exceed One Million Eight Hundred Twenty-Four Thousand, Four Hundred Forty-Eight Dollars ($1,824,448) For OPD Shotspotter Area Phase I For April 19, 2020 To June 30, 2020 And All Three OPD Shotspotter Phases For July 1, 2020 To June 30, 2023; And 2) Waive The Competitive Request For Proposal/ Qualifications (RFP/Q) Process, The Advertising And Bidding Requirements, And Local And Small Local Business (L/SLB) Enterprise Program Provisions For The Contracts With Shotspotter, Inc.

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    Robyn Jensen over 4 years ago

    We do not need to invest in more surveillance technology, which exacerbates communities being over-policed. Instead, we should use this money to invest in our community through housing, jobs, restorative justice, and mental health. Defund the OPD!

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    Jacob Kahn over 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose this contract. Not only is the effectiveness of shotspotter unclear and its cost onerous, but it is another instance of the militarization around and targeting of our communities of color in Oakland. Instead of wasting massive amounts of money on military style gadgets and technology to surveil already underserved communities, we should be examining the underlying conditions that lead to gun possession and violence in our communities, and INVEST IN THOSE COMMUNITIES—not the police!

    I urge you to commit to begin defunding the Oakland Police Department. It is unaccountable, obstinate, unfathomably wasteful, and does not keep our communities safe—it terrorizes them. This process begins by defunding OPD's general fund budget by at least 50% and committing that $150 million to community services (health, housing, work, environmental justice, and schools) in Black and Brown communities. Now is (y)our chance to strive toward true transformative justice.

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    Anthony Shearer over 4 years ago

    (Anthony Shearer Dist. 3) I do not want us to continue putting things before people. Oakland Police Dept. takes up nearly 40% of the General Budget. The nation is in a real crisis: black people are being gunned down like target practice and racism in many police departments is being exposed on a regular. So I must oppose this item. I feel this money needs to be reallocated to something like the Dept of Race and Equity, Cultural Competency, Training to abolish Chokeholds / Strangleholds, and safer deescalation tech. or other Human Social Services.

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    Elijah Belanger over 4 years ago

    An an Oakland resident and voter, I strongly oppose this bill. It is highly disturbing that the city's budget has allowed OPD to take up almost half of its entire budget. This does not make me prideful of the city we live in. I support the following.

    1) Cut OPD funding by 50%
    2) Do not allow unauthorized overtime by OPD
    3) Cancel Oakland's CHP contract
    4) Do not allow general funds to pay for legal settlements related to police brutality, misconduct or negligence
    5) Invest in housing, homelessness services, jobs, youth programs, restorative justice, mental health and COVID-19 response efforts in black and brown communities.

    Do the right thing now.

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    Crystal Maglio over 4 years ago

    My name is Crystal Maglio and I am a resident of Oakland (District 4 Dimond). OPD takes almost HALF of Oakland's general fund each year, and that percentage has skyrocketed in the past two decades — consuming desperately needed resources from essential city programs and vital services. The investment in policing has not made us safer. OPD remains an embarrassment to the city and a lethal threat to Oakland’s Black and Brown communities.

    I demand that the city: (1) Defund OPD's share of the general fund by at least 50%; (2) discontinue unauthorized overtime by OPD; and (3) invest in housing, jobs, EDUCATION, youth programs, restorative justice, mental health workers, and other services that make communities stronger and keep us safe.

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    Karin Dahl over 4 years ago

    I oppose this contract as the effectiveness of Shotspotter has not been proven and would instead lead to more hostility in communities that are already over-policed

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    Miguel LaRosa over 4 years ago

    Shotspotter... In Libby's Neighborhood? Either it is in All Neighborhoods, Violating everyone's Rights Equally, Stratigic Locations are Racially Chosen otherwise. Wendt (5 Police Chiefs Ago) claimed. Here is where Mayor should raid $1M for Police. NOT FROM HOMELESS, or Q Funds.

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    Frances Lawrence over 4 years ago

    Oakland PD does not need more surveillance tools. I oppose this proposal, and any other action not aimed at defunding the police department.
    Put the money that would be used for surveillance instead into programs that support the health and wellness of the community of Oakland.

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    Saren OGrady over 4 years ago

    I oppose this contract. Communities that are overpoliced and underprotected do not need more of the same kind of police presence. Defund OPD now.

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    Michael Bricker over 4 years ago

    I am proud to live in a city at the forefront of citizen privacy by restricting the use of police surveillance techniques (such as "stingrays"). The limited benefits and insidious costs of adding to OPD's surveillance capabilities make this an easy proposal to oppose.

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    Phi Tran over 4 years ago

    This contract will cost $1,824,448). Per the attached report: “OPD cannot not pinpoint direct causal impacts on gunfire activity in Oakland from use of Shotspotter.” OPD is knowingly sharing data that are correlations without evidence or proof. Why is that even submitted as information worthy of $1.8 million? Please stop funding tools of oppression. I strongly oppose.

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    Eric Madar over 4 years ago

    I oppose this measure. Gunshot surveillance systems contribute to more hostility in already-overpoliced communities.

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    Ryan Harrison over 4 years ago

    I oppose this use of funds to continue survielance on the citizens of Oakland. The OPD itself has been wary of the price of this technology. I demand that you vote no on this measure, and thay you reallocate all the funds for thus program, aswell as 50% of the OPD budget to commuinty services. The $80,000,000 budget deificit in Oakland from COVID-19 needs be addressed, as the impact of the pandemic falls primarily on the shoulders of our most vulnerable citizens. Fund communities, not cops.

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    Dilshanie Perera over 4 years ago

    I demand that you oppose the OPD's request for entering into a multi-year professional services agreement with Shotspotter, Inc., which would cost the city $3.5 million for further surveillance measures. (6/16/2020 Agenda Item 2.13)

    I demand that these $5.25 million in sequestered funds (between Agenda Item 2.10 and Item 2.13) go toward public services like youth programs and mental health services.