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Agenda Item

3.2 20-0371 Subject: Fiscal Year 2020-21 Master Fee Schedule From: Finance Department Recommendation: Conduct A Public Hearing And Upon Conclusion Adopt An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 13533 C.M.S. (The Fiscal Year 2019-20 Master Fee Schedule), As Amended To Establish, Modify And Delete Fees And Penalties Assessed By Offices, Departments, Bureaus, And Agencies Of The City Of Oakland, Referenced Herein

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    Jeff Levin, Senior Director of Policy, East Bay Housing Organizations over 4 years ago

    The Jobs/Housing fee (listed in the Housing and Community Development fees section) is being increased from $5.89 per square foot to $5.90 per square, an increase of just 0.17%. This does not seem correct - construction costs, which are the benchmark for the jobs/housing fee - have been increasing rapidly over the past several years and an increase of just 0.17% seems to be much too low.

    We ask that staff return with the data used to calculate the fee increase .