2.4 20-0364 Subject: 2020 Summer Food Service Program
From: Human Services Department
Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution To: 1) Accept And Appropriate A Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) Grant From The California Department Of Education (DOE) In The Amount Of $426,870; And 2) Award Professional Services Agreements (PSAS) To Uptons, Inc. (DAB School Foodies) In An Amount Not To Exceed $909,736, And To Flo's Friendly Foods In An Amount Not To Exceed $309,240, To Provide Food Services From May 4, 2020 Through August 15, 2020; And 3) Accept And Appropriate Additional SFSP Grant Monies That Become Available From The DOE And Donations From Private Sources During The Period Of May 4, 2020 Through August 15, 2020, Without Returning To Council; And 4) Authorize Amendments To The Above PSAS To Increase The Not To Exceed Amounts Within The Term Of May 4, 2020 Through August 15, 2020, Without Returning To Council; And 5) Authorize Carryforward Of The Appropriations From The FY 2019-2020 Adopted Budget In Measure HH Fund 1030 In The Approved Projects Identified For The SFSP To FY 2020-2021
We ask that you adopt/add "Other Local Vendors" to support these two vendors to the Resolution today so our Local vendors can immediately support School Foodies and Flo's Friendly Foods and not let them be impaired by the overwhelming number clients that have been waiting to be served since March.
Would like to support this because this will allow our restaurants to participate and we can continue to stay open. would like speak
We ask that you adopt/add "Other Local Vendors" to support these two vendors to the Resolution today so our Local vendors can immediately support School Foodies and Flo's Friendly Foods and not let them be impaired by the overwhelming number clients that have been waiting to be served since March.