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Agenda Item

h 20-0342 Subject: Interim Amended Rules Of Procedure From: Councilmember Taylor And Council President Kaplan Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Amending The Council's Rules Of Procedure Currently Set Forth In Resolution No. 87044 C.M.S, During The Period Of The Local Emergency Declared By The City Administrator On March 9, 2020 And Confirmed By City Council Resolution No. 88075 C.M.S. On March 12, 2020, To Establish Guidelines For Council And Council Committee Meetings During The Period That State Or Local Public Health Officials Have Imposed Or Recommended Social Distancing Measures

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    Ronn Phan over 4 years ago

    I find it very amusing too that the city of Oakland council members are categorizing every one of these agendas as a emergency meeting. So they only need 48 hour notice not including weekends and holidays to carrying on whatever they choose to impose on residence and business owners of Oakland. What is considered an emergency is finding solution to providing help and support to people that don’t have the necessary gears to protect themselves from the coronavirus. Let me tell you a single layer piece of cloth is not sufficient to cover our face. Masks are that’s why doctors and nurses only use those. How about you find a way to get those for every Oaklander

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    Phyllis Horneman over 4 years ago

    Regarding this provision:
    However, Council will strive to provide notice and file agenda-related materials to the
    extent reasonably feasible, in accord with the Sunshine Ordinance’s 10-day noticing
    deadline for regular meetings and 48-hour noticing deadline (excluding holidays and
    weekends) for special meetings.

    The 48 hour provision is being used by the council to reduce amount of time needed to review proposals. In regard to the last meeting held, a 69 page document of rental changes was disclosed 48 hours in advance. I am so angry about this. Council, where is your integrity? Do you represent the city or only your cronies who assist you in writing legislation? This under the guise of "emergency". Don't look behind the curtain!