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Agenda Item

7 20-0259 Subject: Creation Of The Department Of Workplace & Employment Standards From: Office Of The City Administrator Recommendation: Adopt An Ordinance Amending Chapter 2.29 Of The Oakland Municipal Code Entitled "City Agencies, Departments And Offices" To Create The Department Of Workplace And Employment Standards Focusing On Workplace Protections And Employment Standards To Implement Measure Z (Hotel Minimum Wage And Working Conditions Ordinance (Oakland Municipal Code Chapters 5.93 And 2.44 And Sections 2.36.010(A) And 5.92.050).

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    Summer Si over 4 years ago

    My name is Summer. I am resident in North Oakland. I urge you to pass the Emergency Paid Sick Days ordinance and to stand up the Department of Workplace Standards and Enforcement, as required by Measure Z.

    We are calling on the City Council to show leadership to protect our frontline service workers by voting yes on the emergency paid sick days ordinance (item #9) and making sure the Department of Workplace & Employment Standards (agenda items #7 & 8) is up and running by this July, according to Measure Z. We need the DWES to make these laws real and uphold workers’ rights.

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    Jen Miller over 4 years ago

    My name is Jennifer Miller. I am a non-profit worker and resident of District 2 in Oakland. I urge you to set up the Department of Workplace Standards and Enforcement by July, as required by Measure Z.  Thank you for supporting workers on the front lines.

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    Sandra Bass over 4 years ago

    Please support I worked 20 years at the Oakland Marriott I sat atbusstops 3am to help city council and otheroakland mar organizations prepare for meetings served coffee lunches dinners to make things possible please help us

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    Melissa Martinez over 4 years ago

    My name is Melissa, and I am a resident of West Oakland. As a voter who supported Measure Z, I am asking you to do what is required and make sure the Department of Workplace & Employment Standards is ready by July 2020. Without this assurance, there will be no enforcement of these laws to protect our frontline service workers. Protect our community and vote yes on item #9.

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    Filipa Ioannou over 4 years ago

    My name is Filipa and I am a resident of Oakland. Protections for workers are only as good as their enforcement mechanisms, and it’s senseless to saddle some of our most vulnerable workers with the task of slogging through red tape on the state level in order to have basic protections upheld. Now more than ever, we need to stand by our values as a community and not allow corporate bad actors to exploit lax enforcement of the protections needed to keep everyone safe.

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    Cynthia Morfin over 4 years ago

    My name is Cynthia Morfin and I work with hundreds of workers in Oakland who are not getting their rights under Measure FF and Measure Z. Employers know that our city does not have a proactive approach and that the state takes years to finalize a case- which are in any case hard to win. Employers end up paying out workers yet continuing their terrible work place practices. A real Department of Workplace and Employment Standards would allow a for a proactive worker-centered approach- actualizing workers' rights in Oakland- improving the lives of thousands. Please support the Department of Workplace and Employment Standards.

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    Michael Rosen over 4 years ago

    I strongly urge the Council to support items 7 and 9 on tonight’s agenda. We depend on these essential workers to carry us through this crisis. It’s up to the City to provide an actual mechanism for their fair treatment and adequate protection.

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    Justin Holtermann over 4 years ago

    Council members: My name is Justin Holtermann, I live and work here in Oakland and I implore you to support Items 7 and 9 to protect the essential workers who are currently baring the brunt of the virus. We all rely on the services provided by essential workers and we owe them the upmost protection for putting themselves and their families at risk to support our community. Please support our workers by voting yes on items 7 and 9.

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    Mara Moreno over 4 years ago

    My name is Maria Moreno and I'm a community organizer and representative for the organization, Restaurant Opportunities Center of The Bay and a restaurant worker.

    We are calling on the City Council to show leadership to protect our frontline service workers by voting yes on the emergency paid sick days ordinance and making sure the Department of Workplace & Employment Standards is up and running by this July, according to Measure Z.

    As an org, we have received claim after claim from workers who have experienced from break violations, wage theft, to sexual assault in the workplace. With the only option of submitting their claims to the state, it takes several months for them to even get a response. I have had some of our workers quit their jobs in this time, be retaliated against, and some have even left our industry because of the lack of action/protection. We need the DWES to make these laws real and uphold workers’ rights. Please stand up this Department today.

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    Liana Molina over 4 years ago

    Councilmembers: Please vote yes on items 8 & 9 to bring the department of workplace and employment standards to life. This department was already created by Oakland voters through the passage of Measure Z in 2018. Workers need you to approve this ordinance and get the DWES up and running asap. Oakland has some of the strongest local labor laws in the country, we need the department to uphold workers' rights and make sure employers are obeying these laws. Please YES to stand up the DWES today!

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    Pilar Reyes over 4 years ago

    Oakland City Councilmembers:

    My name is Pilar Vree. I am restaurant industry worker and I live in West Oakland. I urge you to pass the Emergency Paid Sick Days ordinance and to stand up the Department of Workplace Standards and Enforcement, as required by Measure Z.

    Frontline service workers are supporting all of us by making sure we can acquire essential items, and by keeping our economy going. The city should support service workers by making sure that they have access to immediate paid sick days to help flatten the curve and protect themselves and our community.

    We call on the City Council to show leadership to protect our frontline service workers by voting yes on the emergency paid sick days ordinance and making sure the DEWS is up and running by this July, according to Measure Z.

    Thank you.

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    Mauricio Mariscal over 4 years ago

    My name is Robert Mariscal. I am a worker and I live in East Oakland. I urge you to pass the Emergency Paid Sick Days ordinance.Frontline service workers are supporting all of us who are sheltered in place by making sure we can acquire essential items, and by keeping our economy going. The city should support service workers by making sure that they have access to immediate paid sick days (agenda item #9) to help flatten the curve and protect themselves and our community.
    We are calling on the City Council to show leadership to protect our frontline service workers by voting yes on the emergency paid sick days ordinance (item #9).
    I also urge you to stand up the Department of Workplace Standards and Enforcement, as required by Measure Z.We are calling on the City Council to show leadership to protect our frontline service workers by making sure the Department of Workplace & Employment Standards (agenda items #7 & 8) is up and running by this July, according to Measure Z.

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    Embely Juarez over 4 years ago

    My name is Embely Juárez, I live in East Oakland District 5, I want to thank our City Council members for all their support to our community and hard work. I urge you to stand up the Department of Workplace Standards and Enforcement, as required by Measure Z.
    We are calling on the City Council to show leadership to protect our frontline service workers by making sure the Department of Workplace & Employment Standards (agenda items #7 & 8) is up and running by this July, according to Measure Z. We need the DWES to make these laws real and uphold workers’ rights.

    Thank you.
    Embely Juarez

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    Maria Argueta over 4 years ago

    My name isMaria Argueta . I am a worker, and I live in East Oakland neighborhood. I urge you to stand up the Department of Workplace Standards and Enforcement, as required by Measure Z.
    We are calling on the City Council to show leadership to protect our frontline service workers by making sure the Department of Workplace & Employment Standards (agenda items #7 & 8) is up and running by this July, according to Measure Z. We need the DWES to make these laws real and uphold workers’ rights.

    Thank you.

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    WeiLing Huber over 4 years ago

    My name is Wei-Ling Huber. I am President of UNITE HERE Local 2850 representing hundreds of hospitality and food service workers working and living in the city of Oakland. I urge you to pass the Emergency Paid Sick Days ordinance and to stand up the Department of Workplace Standards and Enforcement, as required by Measure Z.

    It is incredibly important that workers have the security to know that if they have COVID-19 symptoms they can stay home to quarantine themselves without fear of retribution or income loss. We also need the Department of Workplace Enforcement Standards to ensure that employers are following Oakland's laws. Our entire community will be safer if Oakland's essential workers are protected.

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    Andrea de la Rosa over 4 years ago

    "My name is Andrea de la Rosa. I am worker and I live in West Oakland. I urge you to pass the Emergency Paid Sick Days ordinance and to stand up the Department of Workplace Standards and Enforcement, as required by Measure Z.

    All workers need access to immediate paid sick leave and cash assistance to pay for weekly and monthly necessities. There are still many of us who are going to get sick or have a loved one who will and it’s so much harder to get well when you’re worried about your family’s next meal or when the power will be shut off.

    We are calling on the City Council to show leadership to protect our frontline service workers by voting yes on the emergency paid sick days ordinance and making sure the Department of Workplace & Employment Standards is up and running by this July, according to Measure Z. We need the DWES to make these laws real and uphold workers’ rights. Please stand up for this Department today."

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    Sonya Karabel over 4 years ago

    My name is Sonya and I live in North Oakland. Please pass the Department of Workplace Standards and Enforcement. Service workers need these protections now and always, to ensure their rights under the law are actually enforced and make these laws real.

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    Zach Johnson over 4 years ago

    My name is Zach I live in north Oakland. I urge you to pass the Emergency Paid Sick Days ordinance and to stand up the Department of Workplace Standards and Enforcement, as required by Measure Z.

    Frontline service workers are supporting all of us who are sheltered in place by making sure we can acquire essential items, and by keeping our economy going. The city should support service workers by making sure that they have access to immediate paid sick days to help flatten the curve and protect themselves and our community.

    We are calling on the City Council to show leadership to protect our frontline service workers by voting yes on the emergency paid sick days ordinance and making sure the Department of Workplace & Employment Standards
    is up and running by this July, according to Measure Z. We need the DWES to make these laws real and uphold workers’ rights. Please stand
    up this Department today.

    Thank you.

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    lian alan over 4 years ago

    I am a resident of North Oakland and work with hospitality workers. Measure Z is not being followed by many hotels and we need to ensure enforcement of labor standards now. I spoke with a worker yesterday making $5 less than measure Z mandates. Please create this now.