Meeting Time: April 21, 2020 at 1:30pm PDT
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Agenda Item

OPEN FORUM / CITIZEN COMMENTS (Time Available: 15 Minutes)

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    Prescott Chair over 4 years ago

    Having speakers speak on all items in the beginning seems dismissive and provides no confidence that any comments are seriously considered.

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    Joseph Hornof over 4 years ago

    At this moment, non-essential construction projects are still being built, unlawfully, with impunity from enforcement. The City of Oakland aids and abets out-of-town developers building luxury projects, which are not determined essential infrastructure by the Shelter In Place Order issued on March 16.

    This activity has continued unabated for over a month. It places the health and safety of the citizens of Oakland at risk, by contributing to the transmission of the deadly COVID-19 virus.

    This activity endangers the lives of the construction workers and their families. Many have not been wearing masks, and continue to to work without face coverings, in violation of the Emergency Order issued on April 17.

    We have brought this to the attention of numerous agencies, including OPD, who are are risking their lives, along with those who work in our hospitals. Shame on Planning and Building for continuing the spread of this virus, and allowing corporate profit to trump public health.