Meeting Time: March 27, 2020 at 11:00am PDT
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Agenda Item

5 20-0257 Subject: Oakland Day Laborer Program Contract From: Economic And Workforce Development Department Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Authorizing (1) The City Administrator Or His Or Her Designee To Enter Into A Professional Services Agreement With Causa Justa:Just Cause And Its Partners (Street Level Health And Centro Legal De La Raza) To Administer The Oakland Day Laborer Program For Fiscal Year 2019-2020 In An Amount Not To Exceed $195,000 With A One-Year Option To Renew In An Amount Not To Exceed $220,000; And (2) Waiving The Formal Request For Proposals / Qualifications Process For The Professional Services Agreement

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    Gabriela Galicia over 4 years ago

    I am the Executive Director of Street Level Health Project, on behalf of our day laborer program partners we would like to thank the Office of Economic Workforce Development staff and City Council for moving this contract forward to continue to invest in Oakland day laborers and we are able to reach one of the most vulnerable during this COVID-19 pandemic. Our partners have been working hard to continue to provide services to this community through street outreach, providing resources, and looking for economic relief opportunities as many of these workers so far have been left out of benefit programs at this time. Day laborers in Oakland and all over the nation do not have the privilege or cannot afford to stay home, and are fully taking on the burden of this crisis right now and for the foreseeable future. They will be the ones to support in the reconstruction of this city and country as we have see in history to get this economy up and running again. Thank you again for your support.

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    Mosswood Rec over 4 years ago

    The YEP youth program is a essential to the growth of Oakland parks and neighborhood. Youth every summer clean up trash and debris in Oakland parks to provide safe and healthy parks for all Oakland communities. In addition this program is one of the leading programs that help to keep youth focus on aspiring goals educational goals and helps to provide alternative choices in youth lives. The YEP youth program is vital in that it helps under privileged youth learn how to build socially, culturally, and economically in inclusive environments. Youth learn job skills that prepare them for life. I strongly recommend that you extend the YEP contract to keep our youth thriving.