Meeting Time: March 27, 2020 at 11:00am PDT
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Agenda Item

1 20-0316 Subject: Eviction Moratorium Emergency Ordinance From: Councilmember Bas, President Pro Tempore Kalb, And City Attorney Parker Recommendation: Adopt An Emergency Ordinance (1) Imposing A Moratorium On Residential Evictions, Rent Increase, And Late Fees During The Local Emergency Proclaimed In Response To The Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Pandemic; (2) Prohibiting Residential And Commercial Evictions Based On Nonpayment Of Rent That Became Due During The Local Emergency When Tenant Suffered A Substantial Loss Of Income Due To COVID-19; (3) Prohibiting Residential Evictions For Non-Payment Of Rent When The Landlord Impeded The Payment Of Rent; And (4) Calling On State And Federal Legislators And On Financial Institutions To Provide Relief To Low-income Homeowners And Landlords

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    Richard Cowan over 4 years ago

    I am in strong support of this Eviction Moratorium Emergency Moratorium and thank Councilmembers Bas and Kalb for proposing itm

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    Vernon Hadley over 4 years ago

    There are so many people unemployed currently and with the shelter in place mandate, no way to find new employment. Please do the right thing and pass this to protect the remaining working class people in Oakland and not contribute to the exploding homeless population during this frightening time.

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    Nicole Lee over 4 years ago

    My name is Nicole Lee. I Iive in North Oakland and I was born and raised here in Oakland. I am the Director of a nonprofit called Urban Peace Movement. I strongly support an emergency moratorium on evictions, rent increases and late fees for residential property in light of this unprecedented health crisis. Oakland was already experiencing a housing crisis before the COVID19 crisis emerged. This is a terrifying and uncertain time for families and community members. The last thing people need during this time of social distancing and during a shelter-in-place order is to feel like they may not have a place for their family to live. Pushing more people out into the streets during this time would be inhumane and pose a major health risk to our entire community. I urge you to vote yes for this emergency ordinance to help support Oakland families during this time of crisis.

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    Krusty Wheatfield over 4 years ago

    Please protect the renters and small business owners that make our city great and halt all evictions, rent increases and late fees during this novel and destabilizing pandemic. When we all stay inside to protect each other, it makes it much harder for folks whose work involves public space and exchange to pay rent, which, if we are evicted, would make it impossible to stay inside a home! This will allow us to return to our rhythms of life sooner, so we can rejoice in being together after taking swift and compassionate actions toward reducing infection rates. Making thousands of people homeless would exacerbate this pandemic in ways I do not even want to imagine. As an arts teacher, curator and events planner, every angle of my income is affected - I cannot imagine what it is like for workers trying to support families or afford healthcare costs right now. Protect the most vulnerable among us, and allow us to breathe easy about at least one thing. Thank you for voting for mutual aid!

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    Dominick Ojeda over 4 years ago

    No one should live in fear of both a pandemic and an eviction. Building communities starts with building trust and this is a great first step. I've worked with planning boards from Santa Barbara to Seattle and they have put policies in place to put low-income renters and homeowners first, rather than landlords. It is essential to not only offer current renters reasonable rent, but work in union with the community to create actionable plans for future development and rezoning. Move out hotels and move in apartments.

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    Weyam Ghadb over 4 years ago

    My roommates are unemployed and are having difficulty finding employment during this pandemic recession. It is a human rights issue to allow for housing protection during a global pandemic. No one should be punished for being unable to make rent at this time. I believe enacting this eviction moratorium protects our human right to safety and housing in a time of crisis and more concretely it would protect my roommates and I from risk of losing our housing. Please take action and do your civic duty to protect human rights.

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    Michela Garber over 4 years ago

    This is vital to protecting the health of Oakland's residents, and not causing swaths of people to suddenly lose their housing. Please follow suit with many other jurisdictions around the Bay, the US, and the world and enact a moratorium on evictions. Truthfully, we need rent FORGIVENESS, so we're also not just delaying a storm of evictions til after this coronavirus storm passes

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    Colin Henry over 4 years ago

    Full support as there are so many with no source of income currently

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    John MinotSchwartz over 4 years ago

    What defines us at all times, but now most of all, is how we help those less fortunate. When a huge segment of the population is becoming involuntarily unemployed, evictions and rent increases are unconscionable. I support this measure.

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    Jessica Sexton over 4 years ago

    This is an unprecedented time in both Oakland's and the entire world's history. There is no way we can make it through and return vibrant on the other side without giving people the chance to pause ALL unnecessary financial burdens, especially rent, given the vast number of people who have suddenly lost all sources of income for the indefinite future. PLEASE support the moratorium on rent during this crisis!

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    Rix Hodges over 4 years ago

    As usual, situations like this affect low-income to middle in-come folks. Rich people have the ability to protect their investments and assets because of their salaries and/or inheritance. We do not have such luxuries. As usual, many people like myself have to continue to work for fear of losing much needed income or our apartments-at the same time, putting ourselves at risk. Many of us have already lost jobs and income due to this pandemic and cannot afford to keep up with rent and bills.We are asking the city council to fix this problem by giving us a break on rent in Oakland as other cities have done. Listen to the representatives that we elected that support this moratorium and do what you know is right.

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    Rix Hodges over 4 years ago

    As usual, situations like this affect low-income to middle in-come folks. Rich people have the ability to protect their investments and assets because of their salaries and/or inheritance. We do not have such luxuries. As usual, many people like myself have to continue to work for fear of losing much needed income or our apartments-at the same time, putting ourselves at risk. Many of us have already lost jobs and income due to this pandemic and cannot afford to keep up with rent and bills.We are asking the city council to fix this problem by giving us a break on rent in Oakland as other cities have done. Listen to the representatives that we elected that support this moratorium and do what you know is right.

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    Carmen Madden over 4 years ago

    While I am all for some form of rent relief, I oppose the current ordinance since it goes against state law and acts as a de facto moratorium on the payment of rent. Most landlords in oakland, are people of color, elderly, and those who depend on rent to help with their living expenses. Has anyone thought of them in the drafting of this ordinance? What will it take for this City Council to acknowledge that they are the elected leaders for all Oakland residents , not just renters. If we are in this together then the City Council needs to start acting like it and do things right and equally. Change the ordinance now!

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    Chris Moore over 4 years ago

    I fully support a pause of evictions during this crisis, but the proposed ordinance does not entirely comply with the Governor's Executive Order. This ordinance restricts the property owner's ability to collect rent by converting unpaid rent to "consumer debt" which violates the Governor's Executive Order. You end up hurting the people that are providing housing and are helping to solve the problem. These types of provisions only push out smaller property owners and bring in the big corporations that can afford the lost rent.

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    Jesse Turner over 4 years ago

    I’ve lost my sole source of income as a cook in Oakland due to COVID-19. Most of my time has been spent advocating for unhoused folks and serving food to my unhoused neighbors, so I was working enough to make ends meet then spend most of my time serving my city. Soon I’ll be displaced, and I’d like to see a call for further actions such as a cease of mortgage collections as well as rent, and an end to the evictions of our unhoused brothers and sisters as we focus on opening all vacant public spaces to get them off the streets- and private if need be. Lynette Gibson-McElhaney, please be mindful of the residents you claim to fight for and forget your vested interests in this time and going forward.

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    Kiara Barry over 4 years ago

    I have lost both of my jobs due to COVID-19. I am unable to pay rent and at a very high risk of losing my housing. This would protect me and many others in Oakland who have the inability to pay rent at this time. Please support our renters. Housing is a human right.

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    Karla Quintero over 4 years ago

    I am a performing artist currently living in Oakland at the moment. Oakland artists are at great risk of losing housing due to sudden unemployment and underemployment. We contribute significantly to the economy of the City, and ask/receive very little support in return. We show up for the City, this is one way the City can show up for us, at a moment where support is most critical to prevent further displacement and pain. Please lead the way nationally by putting the needs of those most vulnerable and the people of Oakland first. I am fully in support of the emergency ordinance to impose a moratorium on residential evictions, rent increases, and late fees, and all the measures outlined above. I hope the Council will be visionary and bold in its pursuit of relief measures and rent forgiveness on behalf of the people of Oakland.

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    Kimberly Hudson over 4 years ago

    I am a lifelong Oakland resident and am currently unemployed as a union electrician that resides here. It is imperative that you vote on this agenda item to stay my possible eviction. It is in these times that we, your citizens, need you to step up for us!

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    Jade Cho over 4 years ago

    As a local raised in Oakland, I support the Eviction Moratorium Emergency Ordinance. It pains me to see how community members have been impacted by loss of employment and housing due to COVID-19. Without this ordinance, Oakland's housing crisis will only be exacerbated. Please pass this ordinance to protect those who are and will continue to be most impacted by the pandemic.

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    Grant Marr over 4 years ago

    My housemate lost their job, and we are now in a very uncertain situation.

    It's my understanding that Oakland is the last large city without a moratorium. Keeping people housed is always the right thing to do, but especially now, when the way to slow this virus is to keep us in our homes -- not forced into more crowded living spaces with family or friends, and certainly not pushed onto the street.

    Ultimately we need relief for this rental debt, but until then, we need a moratorium on evictions.