We need the Moms4Housing Tenant Opportunity to Purchase Act. It is truly unfair and bad for Oakland tenants that they are currently without these common-sense protections in the face of rampant speculation. Housing must be protected for Oaklanders, particularly our most vulnerable seniors and families with children. Without this legislation, investors are making profits at the expense of our residents. As the City Council is charged with governing on behalf of Oakland's residents, I urge you to adopt the Moms4Housing Tenant Opportunity to Purchase Act.
We need the Moms4Housing Tenant Opportunity to Purchase Act. It is truly unfair and bad for Oakland tenants that they are currently without these common-sense protections in the face of rampant speculation. Housing must be protected for Oaklanders, particularly our most vulnerable seniors and families with children. Without this legislation, investors are making profits at the expense of our residents. As the City Council is charged with governing on behalf of Oakland's residents, I urge you to adopt the Moms4Housing Tenant Opportunity to Purchase Act.
Please don't let corporate landlords, speculators, and the real estate lobby stop the Moms4Housing Tenant Opportunity to Purchase Act!