Meeting Time: February 25, 2020 at 11:30am PST
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Agenda Item

5 20-0168 Subject: Broadway Shuttle Operation Agreement From: Transportation Department Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Authorizing. An Agreement With The Alameda-Contra Costa Transit District ("Ac Transit") To Continue Operating The City Of Oakland Broadway Shuttle Between July 1, 2020 And June 30, 2022, At An Initial Cost Not To Exceed $2,367,885, And Authorizing The City Administrator To Increase This Agreement Amount For Expanded Shuttle Hours Or Frequency Of Service Using Any Additional Public And Private Grants And Financial Support Secured Within The Term Of The Agreement

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    Savlan Hauser almost 5 years ago

    The Free Broadway Shuttle makes Downtown Oakland more accessible and equitable, providing safe and free mobility to all throughout Jack London, Chinatown, Uptown, Downtown, Old Oakland, and even Broadway/Valdez. It serves both a transportation and economic development role, providing important connections for customers and businesses, and also for workers and commuters between the neighborhoods and modes of transit-- Train, BART, Ferry, and AC Transit. The critical service is even more valuable today as other mobility options proliferate-- for many of those on board, scooters, mopeds, or shared rides are not physically or financially possible. Jack London Improvement District joins a diverse group of public and private champions and contributors to the service, and we are committed to working with the City's DOT and other agencies to sustain and expand the B. - Savlan Hauser, Executive Director Jack London Improvement District and Chair Oakland BID Alliance