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Agenda Item

7.6 18-2106 Subject: Modifications To Condominium Conversion Ordinance From: President Pro Tempore Kalb Recommendation: Adopt An Ordinance Amending Oakland Municipal Code Chapter 16.36, Condominium Conversions, To: (1) Extend The Conversion Rights Requirement To Two- To Four-Unit Residential Buildings; (2) Require That A Conversion Rights Agreement Be Recorded At Latest 60 Days After The Building Permit For The Generating Residential Building Is Issued; (3) Enhance Tenant Rights And Notice Requirements To Tenants; And (4) Make Other Modifications; And To Direct City Administrator Or Designee To Study Alternative Methods Of (A) Ensuring One-For-One Replacement Of Rental Units In The City As A Result Of Condominium Conversions And (B) Increasing Affordable Home Ownership And Reducing Displacement Of Renters Subject To Conversion; And Adopt CEQA Exemption Findings [NEW TITLE]

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    KEITH BUSH almost 5 years ago

    While the intent to preserve renters rights is valid - this proposed regulation is not thought out and introduces unnecessary confusion and opens up the city to valid federal takings lawsuits. Case in point is the recent San Francisco and the lifetime lease federal case.

    Moreover in reality this is a veiled intent to codify eminent domain without compensation. Private property rights is this country and by extension is the City of Oakland's base of economic success. The proposed legislation whittles away at that right and pride of home ownership and ultimately the success of the city.