11 18-2387 Subject: Affordable Housing Impact Fee Ordinance
From: Council President Kaplan
Recommendation: Adopt An Ordinance Amending Oakland Municipal Code Chapter 15.72 To Provide An Incentive For Full Early Payment Of The Affordable Housing Impact Fees Equal To A 5% Discount Of The Total Impact Fees Owed And To Add A Provision
Enabling Those Who Have Already Paid The First Installment To Also Receive A 5% Discount, And Amending Oakland Municipal Code Chapter 15.62 To Require Additional Information To Be Included In The Annual Impact Fee Report
While I understand with and agree with the intention behind this ordinance, our impact fees are already too low to provide enough affordable housing to meet our RHNA goals. In addition, it does not matter how early developers pay their fees if the City is unable to keep track of them. As such, I think this ordinance is not the solution we need for this problem.
While I understand with and agree with the intention behind this ordinance, our impact fees are already too low to provide enough affordable housing to meet our RHNA goals. In addition, it does not matter how early developers pay their fees if the City is unable to keep track of them. As such, I think this ordinance is not the solution we need for this problem.