Meeting Time: September 24, 2019 at 9:30pm PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

4 18-2194 Subject: Transit Priority On Broadway From: Transportation Department Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution 1) Supporting Transit Travel Time Improvements Through Dedicated Transit Only Lanes On Broadway From 11th Street To 20th Street; 2) Adopting California Environmental Quality Act Exemption Findings; And 3) Authorizing The City Administrator Or Designee To Receive Allocated Funds From Alameda County Transportation Commission For The Study And Operations Of The Broadway Shuttle; And For The Design And Construction Of Pavement Rehabilitation, Transit Only Lanes, And Pedestrian Safety Improvements On Broadway Between 11th Street And 20th Street

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    Grey Gardner about 5 years ago

    I support the construction of transit-only lanes on Broadway. We need to prioritize sustainable and efficient modes of transportation and as part of that effort must make bus transit more frequent and reliable.

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    Savlan Hauser about 5 years ago

    The Jack London Improvement District supports the Department of Transportation’s recommendation to request funds from ACTC to bring downtown transportation improvements to Oakland, and crucially, funding to support the Broadway Shuttle and fill the gap on its operating costs in the near future.

    The Broadway Shuttle is an important piece of Oakland’s downtown transportation infrastructure. Workers, residents, and businesses rely on its operation on a daily basis—connecting them to work, home, and other modes of transit.

    The Broadway Shuttle is one small step in the right direction of re-connecting Oakland’s neighborhoods – Jack London, Old Oakland, Chinatown, and Downtown-- that continue to bear the burden of having been severed by the barrier of the I-880 freeway. Keeping the Free B Shuttle furthers Oakland’s goals of an accessible, equitable Downtown for everyone.

    Please authorize the Department of Transportation to request these much needed funds from the ACTC.

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    Paul Thyssen about 5 years ago

    Support the effort

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    Max Sgro about 5 years ago

    I strongly support bus only lanes on Broadway. Public Transit should not be impeded by those in single occupancy vehicles.
    Furthermore these lanes should be extended all the way to College Ave. Broadway will have many new apartments in the coming years, and these individuals deserve high quality public transit.

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    Chip Minnick about 5 years ago

    I'm for it, granted Franklin Street doesn't become a thoroughfare.

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    Jesse Budlong about 5 years ago

    I support this! We need to reserve more streetspace for more efficient forms of transport, like busses and shuttles.

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    Kerby Olsen about 5 years ago

    As a West Oakland resident, I strongly support these bus only lanes. Improvements to transit are the most equitable transportation investments we can make.

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    e r about 5 years ago

    Dear Members of the Committee:

    I am a frequent traveler on Broadway between 12th St and 51st St.

    As I wait for the 51A bus on Broadway, I am reminded of the noble duck. Why?

    The 51A is slow, and the buses are mated for life . Each bus inseparable, joined to the preceding bus by circumstance, or should I say single occupancy auto traffic?

    When I voted for measure BB, I was looking forward to improvements to Broadway.

    Transit only lanes are the prescription to turn our (bus) ducks into (bus) falcons.

    AC transit has been experiencing declining ridership because traffic induced by TNC companies has decreased reliability.

    These bus only lanes ensures that buses get their fair share of road, and can carry more people, more reliably than TNC cars.

    The attached report by KimleyHorn shows improvements to pedestrian safety, important for Oakland's goals of zero traffic deaths.

    It would also be great if the Free B shuttle ran further up Broadway.

    Thank you for your consideration.

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    Philipp Suchan about 5 years ago

    Please consider to extend this to 40th street so riders can connect to McArthur BART and the free Emeryville Goaround shuttle service