4.7 18-2100 Subject: Oakland Promise Authorization
From: Member Of Public: Gene Hazzard
Recommendation: Receive An Informational Report To The Finance Committee Regarding Oakland Promise And Who Authorized The Use Of City Hall Facility For Oakland Promise Operation And The Cost Associated With This Use. Include Payroll Of Staff, Office Space And Telephone Etc. Schedule For July 2019 Finance Committee; On The July 16, 2019 City Council Agenda
Absolutely support Mr. Hazzard's request for Documents. Please present info on the East Bay College Fund, It's origin with Oakland School Board in 2003. It's source of Funding?(ED?)???... As it Merges into "Oakland Promise". MOR IMPORTANT888 The Equity of the School Children who received the Grants. EQUITY, Not Segregation based on Greed. Oakland Promise is the stop Gap for an Over Taxed, Over Spent Government. One that has bond Payments extended to 2036, for facility that will have no tenant as soon as 2023. $40Mil Annual burden on General Fund beginning FY 2029. It is like lending $3,050,000.00 to non profit, presented as besieged in Debt. Only to be sitting on >$100,000,000.00 Annually, for 3 more Years if Certain Council Members enforce this devaluation of Tax Subsidies. How to turn $100,000,000.00 into $50,000,000.00 and call it Good. No Walls, No Borders, No Respect, No Law, No Order... .
Absolutely support Mr. Hazzard's request for Documents. Please present info on the East Bay College Fund, It's origin with Oakland School Board in 2003. It's source of Funding?(ED?)???... As it Merges into "Oakland Promise". MOR IMPORTANT888 The Equity of the School Children who received the Grants. EQUITY, Not Segregation based on Greed. Oakland Promise is the stop Gap for an Over Taxed, Over Spent Government. One that has bond Payments extended to 2036, for facility that will have no tenant as soon as 2023. $40Mil Annual burden on General Fund beginning FY 2029. It is like lending $3,050,000.00 to non profit, presented as besieged in Debt. Only to be sitting on >$100,000,000.00 Annually, for 3 more Years if Certain Council Members enforce this devaluation of Tax Subsidies. How to turn $100,000,000.00 into $50,000,000.00 and call it Good. No Walls, No Borders, No Respect, No Law, No Order... .