Meeting Time: June 25, 2019 at 11:00am PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

10 18-1949 Subject: Let's Bike Oakland 2019 Bicycle Plan Update From: Transportation Department Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution, As Recommended By The City Planning Commission, Adopting The Let's Bike Oakland 2019 Bicycle Plan, Relying On The 2019 Addendum To The 2007 Environmental Impact Report, Finding That No Additional Environmental Review Is Needed Pursuant To California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Sections 15162-15164, And Adopting Related CEQA Findings

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    Grant Chen over 5 years ago

    Please adopt the Let's Bike Oakland 2019 Bicycle Plan. The expansion of bike lanes all across Oakland will improve access for people who cannot afford cars. More bicycling means less carbon emissions, less cars, less parking congestion, more people access businesses on bicycles. A recent study showed that PROTECTED BIKE LANES make both cyclists and cars safer. This plan will improve the overall feel and safety of Oakland. Next step, provide the funding to make this happen soon!