Meeting Time: June 06, 2019 at 10:45am PDT
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Agenda Item

4.1 18-1978 Subject: Measure AA FAILED From: Member of the Public Recommendation: Requesting As Soon As Possible (ASAP) That The Rules Committee Schedule An Agenda Item That Goes Straight To Council As An Action Item To Correct The Council's Action Approving The November 6, 2018 Ballot Measure AA, When It Had Failed As Certified By The Alameda County Voter Registrar. Measure AA Did Not Receive The Required 66 2/3% (Percentage) For Passage. This Error Must Be Corrected. Measure AA FAILED!; On A City Council Agenda As Soon As Possible

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    Miguel LaRosa over 5 years ago

    Measure AA Failed. Period. Oakland Promise search for ED states that $63,000,000.00 has been spent on Oakland Promise since 2016.
    So City directed Business with no ED no Direction, except from City Administrator. Only admits to $63,000,000.00 to lure prospective?
    There better be many success' for $63Million Dollars to Date. The Report as to how the Oakland Promise has spent public Funds is a Necessary precurser to giving another 1/2 Million to just like YeP. But in Oakland Promise's case, still the question is Who & How the Tax Payers $$$'s are spent. A Report...A real Audit. Not bullet points and BS.