Meeting Time: May 28, 2019 at 1:30pm PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item


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    Miguel LaRosa over 5 years ago

    A Full Bond Funded Fruitvale Transit Village Phase 2 V. Walnut Creek Transit Village.
    The lack of Leadership in Oakland brings a Village anchored by Non Profits. With Visions of
    more Non-Profits on Horizon.
    No Safeway in Flatlands, Corporate Center Moved out. No Starbucks' in the Oakland Flatlands "Hole"
    I would Wholeheartedly support A's move. All Oakland moved to East Oakland non profits.
    CED Planning has brought us Rapid Transit "Danish Weinermobiles", at Time Uber, & Lyft will need
    efficient access to these same streets. The City will be mandated after those Companies sue City for
    Improper access when the are charged Operating Fees in City.
    Efficiency not Gridlock. Plan a Future for efficiency... Don't tie progress only from Grants.
    Don't Leverage Grants on City's Future. We are Bonded out... The Budget Exceeds Common sense.
    The Central City Policy makers expect Public to Use Public Transit, They Do not follow these guidelines.