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Agenda Item

7.18 18-1622 Subject: Team Oakland Youth Employment Contract From: Oakland Public Works Department Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Authorizing The City Administrator Or Her Designee To Enter Into A Two-Year Agreement With Youth Employment Partnership (YEP) To Implement The Team Oakland Program, In An Amount Not To Exceed Seven Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($750,000.00), With An Option To Extend The Contract For Two Additional Years, Through June 30,2023 In An Amount Not To Exceed Seven Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($750,000.00), Based On Satisfactory Contractor Performance

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    Miguel LaRosa almost 6 years ago

    With Oakland Promise 4PM piece... $1,250,000 Yearly. The fun in Oakland is in D5. Side Shows, International Fires. The Garbage Pickers walked in front with D5 staff in Dec of 2016. Nice burning bus', trucks on International Blvd. . But we are getting to that part of 26th Ave & Foothill. Ghost Ship... Celeste Guap. Children on the Streets, Gallo's Famous cameos at ALL DISASTERS. Leads our Public Safety, Fires are done by those pushing redevelopment in D5. It is a sad truth. Oakland Promise, & YeP… It's NOT WORKING.