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Agenda Item

11 18-1511 Subject: Fiscal Year 2019-24 Five Year Financial Forecast From: Finance Department Recommendation: Receive An Informational Report On The City Of Oakland Five-Year Financial Forecast Prepared In Accordance With The City Of Oakland's Consolidated Fiscal Policy, Ordinance 13279 C.M.S.

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    Maggie Harmon over 5 years ago

    I am writing in opposition to the collection of funds for a tax measure that failed before the voters. Regardless of the underlying moral value of the purpose the rule of law demands that you reject the collection of these funds and return to the voters with an alternate measure. Simply put the tax failed, to collect it now because it was "close enough" or "we really need it" flouts the principal that voting matters. If the city is to do whatever it wants then it should embrace its role of autocratic body and not bother with any votes in the future. Reject this tax collection and this illegal action and return to the voters with a compelling argument as dictated by the law.