Meeting Time: March 19, 2019 at 9:30am PDT
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Agenda Item


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    Alexis Schroeder almost 6 years ago

    I support using the monies in the Sinking Fund (Fund 7460) account as part of the telecommunications ordinances (17.128.030) to remove blight from existing utility poles. The pole (across from freeway exit going south) on Monterey Blvd near Lincoln Avenue by the upper Mormon Temple Parking lot has been blighted for ages. PG&E confirmed to me that this equipment is abandoned and Oakland’s Public Works has been notified by many residents that this equipment which has been blighted should be removed. I am sure there are many other poles in Oakland with obsolete and abandoned equipment on them. Get your act together with PG&E and telecommunications companies doing business in Oakland and please clean up Oakland’s poles!