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Agenda Item

S7.14 18-1193 Subject: Naming Unnamed Road Oscar Grant Way From: Councilmember Brooks And Council President Kaplan And Councilmember Taylor Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Requesting That The Bay Area Rapid Transit District (BART) Rename The Unnamed Road On The West Side Of The Fruitvale Bart Station Between 33rd Avenue And 35th Avenue, "Oscar Grant Way" [NEW TITLE]

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    Marchon Tatmon almost 6 years ago

    First and foremost I will like to thank Councilmember Kaplan and former Councilwoman Brooks for crafting this much needed and overdue proposal to rename the road at the station this tragedy took place in the killing of our unarm brother Oscar Grant by BART police. I also support the current council and applaud them for bringing this to the floor.

    The innocent killings of our young blacks been going on for far too long by law enforcement and we know this won't bring him back but it is necessary to honor a soul who was taken from us for nothing and the unjust ruling that followed. I vote yes and fully support this much needed move for Oscar Grant, his family and the City of Oakland as a whole. This is a step in the right direction for a community who is still trying to heal.

    Marchon Tatmon, MPA
    Former Oakland Mayor Candidate 2018

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    Reisa Jaffe almost 6 years ago

    Thank you to Desley Brooks for your efforts in making this name change happen.