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Agenda Item

S9.4 18-1062 Subject: Mandatory Seismic Retrofit For Soft Story Residential Buildings From: Councilmember Kalb And Mayor Schaaf Recommendation: Conduct A Public Hearing And Upon Conclusion Adopt An Ordinance, As Recommended, In Part, By The Planning Commission, Amending The Oakland Municipal Code To: (1) Add Building And Construction Code Chapter 15.27 Entitled Mandatory Seismic Evaluation And Retrofit Of Certain Multi-Unit Residential Buildings, (2) Add Planning Code Section 17.102.250 To Create Special Exceptions To Buildings Undergoing Permitted Retrofit Work In Compliance With Chapter 15.27, (3) Make Conforming Changes To Sections 1.08.020 And 15.26.230. And (4) Make Clarifying Amendments Relating To Capital Improvements In Chapter 8.22, Article I (Residential Rent Adjustment); And Directing The Rent Board To Modify Its Capital Improvement Amortization Schedule For Work In Compliance With Chapter 15.27; And Adopting CEQA Exemptions .

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    Alicia Harris almost 6 years ago

    I strongly support this ordinance, as I'm concerned about the potential for displacement and loss of life during the inevitable earthquakes in our region. Given the number of Oakland residents who live in soft story buildings, mandatory retrofitting is a critical next step for ensuring public safety. San Francisco and Berkeley have passed similar ordinances, and I'm hopeful that Oakland will join those cities in making this a priority.

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    Dave Guarino almost 6 years ago

    Please vote YES on this strong, well-drafted ordinance. Oakland has been waiting more than 4 years to address the soft story issue. This ordinance strikes the right balance and pulls the best features of other cities' soft story retrofit programs.

    If we do not do this soon, we risk losing 10% of our housing stock — overnight. This would be a displacement disaster, in addition to the potential injury and lost lives Oakland residents will face.

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    Duane Oakland almost 6 years ago

    I'm in full support of seeing soft-story retrofitting passed and implemented as soon as possible. This is a good measure for owners and renters alike... as well all know the Bay Area (and Hayward Fault especially) is overdue for a major earthquake. With a dearth of housing stock, we can scarcely afford to lose thousands of homes to an earthquake when we have the means at our fingertips to address this issue now. Please do the right thing. Pass the mandatory soft-story retrofit plan to preserve our housing for generations to come. Thank you!

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    Andrew Alden almost 6 years ago

    As the writer of more than 500 posts about the geology of Oakland (, I know the Hayward Fault as well as anyone in this city. We must respect the Hayward Fault. Earthquakes are as much a part of Oakland's fabric as the hills, the flats and the Bay. Since the Loma Prieta earthquake of 1989, Oakland's infrastructure has been substantially strengthened, including City Hall itself. The city must move on to the next steps with all deliberate speed. This ordinance targets the most quake-vulnerable segment of our residential stock, and a crucial piece of our architectural character, with a well considered, well tested program that is, though years in the making, especially well timed. We will be SO GRATEFUL for the benefits of this ordinance after the next, inevitable Big One. When the Big One hits, let us have no cause for regret! I commend Councilmember Dan Kalb for leading this effort and urge the Council to pass the ordinance without delay or further modification.

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    Josh Levinger almost 6 years ago

    I live in an old apartment building downtown, and strongly support this measure. It's absolutely critical to life-safety and housing affordability that the city pass this and enforce compliance. If not, we may lose thousands of affordable units after the next earthquake, compounding the current crisis. Natural disasters are made by the human response, and we need to plan for the inevitability of the "big one."

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    J Smith almost 6 years ago

    This is an issue of saving and making safe affordable housing for Oakland residents! Please vote yes on this mandate. - Elizabeth Smith, Oakland resident and homeowner

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    F Thomson almost 6 years ago

    I strongly support this literally life saving measure.
    -an Oakland voter and homeowner