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Agenda Item

S7.32 18-1123 Subject: Affordable Housing Development Fund Appropriations and Allocations From: Housing And Community Development Department Recommendation: Adopt The Following Pieces Of Legislation; 1) A Resolution Appropriating $97,464 From Fund Balance In The Affordable Housing Trust Fund, $1,680,671.34 From Fund Balance In The Hud Home Investment Partnership Program Fund, $2,463,805 From Fund Balance Of The Jobs/Housing Impact Fee Deposited Into The Affordable Housing Trust Fund And $4,894,717 From Fund Balance Of Affordable Housing Impact Fee Deposited Into The Affordable Housing Trust Fund, And Appropriating Future Jobs/Housing Impact Fees, Affordable Housing Impact Fees And Development Loan Repayments From The Aforementioned Funds Through June 30, 2023 And Allocating Such Funds To Housing Development Activities.; And