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Agenda Item

S7.30 18-1114 Subject: Wood Street - Affordable Housing ENA From: Housing And Community Development Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Authorizing The City Administrator, Or Her Designee, To Enter Into An Exclusive Negotiating Agreement With MIDPEN Housing Corporation And Habitat For Humanity East Bay/Silicon Valley, Or Their Affiliated Entities, For The Negotiation Of A Lease Disposition And Development Agreement ("LDDA") And Related Documents For Development Of Affordable Rental And Homeownership Housing At 1707 Wood Street (Between 18TH And 20TH Streets) In Oakland, Subject To The Completion Of A CEQA And NEPA Determination, If Applicable

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    Marcus Johnson almost 6 years ago

    I agree with staff's recommendation to enter In to an Exclusive Negotiating Agreement With MIDPEN Housing Corporation and Habitat for Humanity East Bay/Silicon Valley, Or Their Affiliated Entities...

    I would also like to thank and appreciate Councilmember McElhaney for allowing me to participate as a review panelist. And as a Prescott neighborhood native community member who has been involved in the wood street zoning district since its inception and entitlement, I found this experience rewarding.

    I think staff did a outstanding job and provided ample balanced opportunities to both submitters. I also appreciate staff following up with CHDC providing them valuable insight of their submission and interviews, what I hope they use going forward.

    At today's Special Meeting of the ORA & City Council, I ask that you remain unwavering during the second reading affirming your first reading vote. Please vote yes on item 7.30!