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Agenda Item

7.16 18-1179 Subject: 12th Street Remainder DDA Amendment From: Economic And Workforce Development Department Recommendation Adopt An Ordinance To Amend Ordinance 13382 C.M.S. To Authorize A First Amendment To The Disposition And Development Agreement Between The City Of Oakland And The Development Team Composed Of Lakehouse Commons, LLC And Lakehouse Commons Affordable Housing, LP To (1) Extend The Closing Date And Related Outstanding Performance Benchmarks And (2) Increase City Seller Financing To Include Fifty Percent Of The Land Sales Price Attributable To The Market Rate Project

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    Elise Bernstein almost 6 years ago

    I oppose the current lame duck Council's voting on this measure. Please table the item until January when the newly elected
    Council members from D2, D4 and D6 are seated.
    If this Council does not allow the new members to vote on it, you clearly would be usurping their power.
    I also oppose this measure as written. It is an absurd give away of public funds to UrbanCore, an irresponsible developer who is now facing a lawsuit for its illegal actions in San Francisco.
    Please respect the voters who just elected your replacements, and table the item.
    Thank you
    Elise R. Bernstein