Meeting Time: December 04, 2018 at 5:15pm PST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

5 18-0963 Subject: Residential Hotel Regulations From: Planning And Building Department Recommendation: Adopt An Ordinance (1) Amending The Oakland Planning Code To Adopt A New Section 17.153 Regulating The Demolition, Conversion And Rehabilitation Of Residential Hotels And Make Related And Conforming Amendments To Other Planning Code Sections, And (2) Determining That The Actions Authorized By This Ordinance Were Both The Subject Of Adequate Previous Analysis Under The California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA") And Are Exempt From CEQA Pursuant To CEQA Guidelines Sections 15061(B)(3) And 15183

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    F Thomson almost 6 years ago

    As an RN at our Highland Hospital who has worked specifically with the homeless community, I strongly support protecting our SROs. These rooms are the literal only housing options for some of our most vulnerable neighbors who live on SSI or have extremely limited income. We have very few of these SRO/Residential hotel beds here in Oakland (compared to SF for example) - we can't afford to lose any. Taking away even one SRO unit will force even more people into homelessness.