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Agenda Item

9.3 18-0686 Subject: 2018/19 HUD Annual Action Plan For Entitlement Formula Grants From: Department Of Housing & Community Development Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Authorizing The City Administrator To: 1) Prepare And Submit To The U.S. Department Of Housing And Urban Development The City's Consolidated Annual Action Plan For Fiscal Year 2018/19; 2) Accept And Appropriating $14,090,589 Awarded To The City Under The U.S. Department Of Housing & Urban Development's Community Development Block Grant, Home Investments Partnership, Emergency Solutions Grant, And Housing Opportunities For Persons With Aids Program; 3) Negotiate And Execute 2018/19 Community Development Block Grant Agreement And/Or Continue The Second Year Of Existing Two-Year Community Development Block Grant Agreements For 2017/18 And 2018/19; 4) Accept Community Development District Board Recommendations For The Reallocation Of CDBG Funds Declined By Youth Employment Partnership, Oakland Beautification Council, And Oak Cultural Center For Districts Two And Three And The Allocation Of 2018/19 Community Development Block Grant Funds Earmarked For Capital Development Left To The Discretion Of The Office Of The Councilmember For District Two; 5) Appropriate $850,000 In Revolving Loan Fund Program Income And Any Amounts In Excess Thereof For Housing Rehabilitation Activities; 6) Authorize The Reprograming, Reallocation And Extension Of Use Of Reconciled Community Development Block Grant Funds And Program Income From Prior Funding Allocations For Activities To Be Carried Out In Fiscal Year 2018/19; And 7) Authorize $11,058 In General Purpose Funds To Pay Central Service Overhead Charges Associated With The Housing Opportunities For Persons With Aids Grant And $8,146 In General Purpose Funds To Pay Central Service Overhead Charges Associated With The Emergency Solutions.