Meeting Time: July 17, 2018 at 6:00pm PDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

6 18-0652 Subject: Professional Services Agreement With Eberhardt Consulting From: Oakland Police Department Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Waiving The Advertising/Bidding And Request For Proposals/Qualifications Requirements And Authorizing An Extension Of Up To Two Years (Through August 31, 2019) Of The Professional Services Agreement Between The City Of Oakland And Eberhardt Consulting For Technical Assistance Services In Delphine Allen V. City Of Oakland, For Two Hundred Fifty-One Thousand Dollars ($251,000) And A Total Contract Amount Not To Exceed Five Hundred Thousand Dollars ($500,000)

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    Elise Bernstein over 6 years ago

    I oppose any extension or renewal of the contract for Eberhardt Consulting with the OPD.
    Although this Contract has led to vast improvement in the amount and kind of data collected re: racist police stops, there has been no significant improvement in the outcomes. OPD officers continue to make stops due to racial bias. There has been no improvement in the OPD culture.
    The data has allowed the identification of OPD officers who repeatedly make stops based on racial bias. But they suffer no corrective discipline that would change their behavior. They are not learning that their bias -motivated actions result in unpleasant consequences for them.
    I suspect that OPD will ultimately try to prove that they are doing all that’s possible to improve the biased culture by pointing to the enormous amounts of tax-payer dollars spent on Eberhardt and new computer programs, etc. We cannot succumb to that fantasy.
    Let's turn to the Police Commission to use their power to effect changes.