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Agenda Item

5 18-0663 Subject: Hardship Payment Schedule For Lower Income Homeowners From: Councilmember McElhaney And Councilmember Kaplan Recommendation: Adopt The Following Pieces Of Legislation: 1) An Ordinance Amending The Uniform Residential Tenant Relocation Ordinance To Provide City Assistance For Low Income And Low Asset Homeowners To Pay Relocation Payments To Tenants Displaced By Owner And Relative Move In Evictions; And

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    Ravahn Samati about 6 years ago

    We are DEMANDING that Oakland's Community & Economic Development Committee (CED) ADOPT:

    A resolution approving a 180-day moratorium on the sale of public land. No public lands can be sold or leased for 180 days. Read more>>.

    A public lands policy that is for 100% public use that includes affordable housing options for no to low income residents and the working poor in Oakland facing displacement and homelessness.

    We are DEMANDING that Oakland's Community & Economic Development Committee (CED) DOES NOT:

    Take $300,000 of Anti-Displacement Funds AWAY FROM low income homeowners and tenants and instead GIVE to The Hardship Payment Schedule Program for Landlords Evicting Tenants. This resolution is proposing that $300,000 goes towards funding lower income landlords who are required to pay tenant relocation when they are evicting even lower income residents! Ask CED to VOTE NO on this proposed resolution.