Meeting Time: May 22, 2018 at 11:30am PDT
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Agenda Item

18-0384 2) Adopt A Resolution To Urge The Bay Area Air Quality Management District To Include Oakland Communities Most Heavily Impacted By Air Pollution For Prioritization To Get Remedial Efforts To Prevent, Control And Remediate Air Pollution And The Impacts Of Air Pollution

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    Seonghee Lim over 6 years ago

    As a resident of Oakland, I urge the Oakland City Council to support this resolution. This action can be a small step to bring some equity to West and East Oakland residents who have been suffering the most from higher levels of respiratory and heart diseases, as well as higher death rates, caused by poor air quality, although this will not remedy all the injustice done to the communities. Moreover, only when the air quality of West and East Oakland gets better, the air quality of entire Oakland and the Bay Area will be truly improved – a condition that you are obligated to create as council members. Thank you.