S10 18-0132 Subject: Amendment For Rainbow Recreation Center Renovation & Expansion
From: Oakland Public Works Department
Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Waiving Advertising And Competitive Bidding And Authorizing The City Administrator, Or Designee, To; 1) Increase The Construction Contract Amount For The Rainbow Recreation Center Renovation And Expansion Project (Project No. 1000854) With JUV, Inc., From Eight Million Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars ($8,700,000.00) To Ten Million One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($10,150,000.00); And 2) Approve And Reallocate Total Additional Funds Of Two Million One Hundred Sixty-Five Thousand Dollars ($2,165,000.00) Aggregated From The Following East Bay Regional Parks District Open Space Wildlife, Shoreline And Parks Measure WW Bond Sources (Fund 2260): The City Stable Project (No. 1001014), Allendale Recreation Center Project (No. 1003376), Caldecott Trail Project (No. 1001412) and Curt Flood Field Project (No Project Number Established) To The Rainbow Recreation Center Renovation and Expansion Project (No. 1000854) For Construction And Project Contingency, And Submit The Project To The East Bay Regional Parks District Per Measure WW Bond Requirement, Or Consider And Approve Alternate Funding Sources, Including Measure KK