Meeting Time: February 13, 2018 at 11:30am PST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

9 18-0076 Subject: Professional Services Agreements For Estuary Park Renovation Project From: Oakland Public Works Recommendation: Adopt A Resolution Authorizing The City Administrator, Or Designee, To Award And Execute A Professional Services Agreement For Landscape Architectural Design Services For The Estuary Park Renovation And Expansion Project (#1000858) With Hargreaves Associates For An Amount Not-To-Exceed One Million Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($1,200,000.00)

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    William Threlfall almost 7 years ago

    I support the staff recommendation for these reasons:

    Measure DD Bond requirements - The Estuary Park project is the last major Measure DD funded project. The last Measure DD Series C bond sale took place in 2016 and included an allocation for design of Estuary Park of which 80% needs to be expended by 2019 in order to meet bond requirement.

    Site Remediation - The Brooklyn Basin developer, Signature Development Group, is responsible for remediation of hazardous soils at the site. However, the developer cannot move forward with the remediation until the Estuary Park project is ready to begin construction.

    Bay Trail - The project will include the formalization of a significant portion of Bay Trail.

    Community Support – The Estuary Park and waterfront trail project is supported by a large number of organizations including the Measure DD Coalition, Waterfront Action, East Bay Regional Parks, East Bay Rowing Club, San Francisco Bay Trail Project, etc.