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Agenda Item

17-0210 3) A Resolution (A) Certifying The Supplemental Environmental Impact Report And Adopting Related CEQA Findings And (B) Amending The General Plan From Hillside Residential And Resource Conservation To Detached Unit Residential For The City Owned Barcelona Parcel Located At Barcelona Street And St. Andrews Road, Oakland; And

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    joe brown about 7 years ago

    Revisit the Landscape design and maintenance in view of the recent Leonna Quarry (Edwards) fire and Wine Country fires

    Consider this, there haven't been any appreciable fire danger within Oak Knoll because the roughly 2000+ future inhabitants aren't walking around the dried tinder yet. Add some tightly packed wood structures and there is the potential for our own costly fire; it took only 10-15 years for the quarry vegetation to ripen, and the growth that burned was also"planned" and maintained with drip irrigation.  Urban walking paths and trails are just that; to be used by an urban population trained on our Lake Merritt or sidewalk pathways. We must make the Oak Knoll trails similarly hardened against the dangers of an errant cigarette (or joint) butt. Trees should be cleared or cleaned up, and dried seasonally tall grassland never permitted.

    Reduce the housing density. Alternatives that reduce the housing component should be considered in view of environmental issues.