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Agenda Item

16-1140 2) A Resolution Authorizing The Fiscal Year (FY) 2017-2019 Biennial Budget And Appropriating Certain Funds To Provide For The Expenditures Proposed By Said Budget

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    Meskerem Johnson over 7 years ago

    I am a DISTRICT 5 resident, and we need to Defund OPD, and pass the Brooks/Kaplan budget also known as the peoples budget, because this is what the people want. On a regular basis we see encampments growing and have witnessed people being burned alive in unsuitable and unacceptable housing.

    I drive 30 miles out of Oakland to work because there are no real opportunities in Oakland to make a LIVING WAGE, and I can only do this because I am a single, 25 yr old, able bodied person living paycheck to paycheck without the cost of children, homeowner costs, disabilities, etc. imagine if i wasnt? People can not afford to work somewhere far, especially if they don't have Basic resources to survive, have families to care for, have disabilities.

    resources are inaccessible, MAKE THEM ACCESSIBLE


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    Tova Fry over 7 years ago

    Pass the Peoples' Budget, proposed by Brooks & Kaplan
    - More money for youth jobs
    - Less money for cops
    - More money for arts & artists
    - More money for the unhoused
    - More money for housing protections

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    Hannah Warren over 7 years ago

    I am a resident of District 1 and work in local schools across Oakland and the proposed budget coming from Guillen, Reid, Campbell-Washington, & McElhaney is an EMBARRASSMENT to our city. I see people all across our community suffering on the streets of Oakland due to a DEEP lack of affordable housing. How is this not a top priority? This is a critical issue that affects the integrity & future of this city. If this conservative budget passes people will further suffer, culture will continue to die and Oakland will no longer be the city we all know and love. PLEASE do the right the thing & vote for the Brooks/Kaplan budget which gets closer to addressing affordable housing head on, and doesn't prioritize developers, residents of The Hills and pushing more money into the corrupt Oakland Police Department. DO THE RIGHT THING! We won't forget.

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    Emily Claffy over 7 years ago

    I am a district 2 resident and strongly oppose the budget as presented by council member Reid since it is out of touch with what the people have requested and directs the majority of available funds into the hands of a corrupt, ravenous, and murderous police department, the OPD, that is consistently rewarded for the egregious crimes they commit against our community. Oaklanders are asking for resources to be redirected into housing and important community services to keep us alive. We are fully aware of the city's kleptocratic ways and will not allow ourselves be eaten alive without a fight. Do the right thing. Pass the Brooks/ Kaplan budget.

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    Sophia LanzaWeil over 7 years ago

    As a resident of District 2 I strongly oppose the budget presented by council member Reid et al. Our budget must reflect the values, ethics, and needs of the people of Oakland--needs that are only represented by The People's Budget introduced by Brooks/Kaplan. Pass the People's Budget!

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    Kam Sanchez over 7 years ago

    We must oppose the budget presented by council member Reid and others and lift up a budget of the people! Thank you councilmember Gallo for showing your support of our most vulnerable residents by invest 6M in homelessness. Thank you council members Brooks and Kaplan by showing you listen to your constituents and proposing the refund budget. We must cancel the police academy, it is not the time to invest in more officers that will cost our city millions in salaries, pensions, and (likely) settlements.

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    Rochelle Burnaford over 7 years ago

    I am a resident of District 7 and I strongly oppose this budget. It does not do what the people of Oakland HAVE ASKED FOR, instead it chooses to continue the status quo providing little for the LIVES of our most vulnerable and giving even more to protect the PROPERTY of the wealthy.
    This budget literally prioritizes property wealth over PEOPLES LIVES.
    You should be ashamed of yourselves for even considering it.

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    Katie Tertocha over 7 years ago

    I am a young 20-something Oakland resident living in District 5. I oppose the budget as it has been proposed and urge the City Council to pass a budget for the PEOPLE of Oakland - not the RICH people of Oakland, but the PEOPLE. The ones living in the streets that need housing, not just better encampments, the ones who are struggling to stay housed and need economic stability, the ones who are being targeted and whose family members have been murdered by the Oakland PD because they are Black and Brown and low/no-income. The budget proposed by Desley Brooks and Rebecca Kaplan stands most in line with the people. As you saw Monday night and have heard throughout the budget process, Oaklanders are NOT happy with the way their hard-earned tax dollars are being wastefully spent. It's time to cut the Oakland PD budget and not let them spend with impunity, just like they kill with impunity. It's time for the people to be heard and given what they need by the government they pay for.

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    Travis Vachon over 7 years ago

    Pass the People's Budget! Please reject the budget the conservative caucus has brought to this council and respect the people of Oakland. This budget gives too much money to the Oakland Police Department and not enough to organizations seeking to accomplish the stated goals of the OPD by non-violent means.

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    James Burch over 7 years ago

    Pass the People's Budget, the Budget proposed by CM Brooks & Kaplan. That is what the people want.